Where can I find this CD?

Dear Naim forum users,

I was wondering if anybody might kindly point me out where I could find this CD:

Tom Kennedy - Stories

I’ve been surfing the net and searched it on Ebay and Discogs as well, but I couldn’t find anything at all. I almost found no reference about it as if it never existed (by the way its UPC is 888295983228).

In case it’s impossible to buy it, the only option available seems to be its digital version in the Apple Store. Might there be any better solutions with a higher bitrate (real, not upsampled)? I couldn’t find it on Qobuz, HD Tracks and the other platforms I know.

Thank you very much in advance for your answers!

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It looks like the CD was a CD-ROM release and possibly only available via streaming.

You could try emailing the label - sometimes you hit upon a nice person that will help you out.


or Tom himself


I sent an email to Edgar Broughton last week and got a very nice reply - some artists like the fact you have taken the trouble to contact them.


Was going to say the same thing; contact the label.

The option to buy appears to be mp3 only via Amazon.

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Thank you very much @robert_h and @AndyP for the time you dedicated to my request.

I noticed mp3 was available but I couldn’t be bothered, I hope to find at least a good 44.1/16 recording. I have no experience with files from the Apple Store, I hope they are not terrible compared to FLACs and WAVs.

One week ago I sent an email to the label but I never received a reply. I thought it would have been inappropriate to send a request directly to Tom. I guess I have no other choice, hopefully he won’t mind.

Some CDs are so hard to find!


I’m sure Tom would be delighted to hear from someone looking for his music.


Thank you!

Available on Amazon HD.


Thank you @bruss even though I would prefer the physical CD if possible.
However did you try to listen to the album? I was wondering whether the quality is good or it feels upsampled. I’ve never tried AmazonHD, however if I’m not mistaken the quality isn’t as good as the one you get from Qobuz. Hope I’m wrong.

It’s on Tidal, High bit which I’d assume to be 16/24. It sounds excellent to my ears.

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Available for download in cd quality flac from 7 digital. So you can just buy it, no subscription needed.

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@Tony unluckily you can’t buy anything on Tidal if I’m not mistaken.

Thank you @robert_h . Have you ever bought anything on 7 Digital? I was wondering if it’s a reliable website as all last added albums seem to be from 2018 - 2019. It seems to be a bit strange.

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I listened on my main system so no not sounding upsampled. I wonder if the recording studio guys on here know whether it would have been recorded at 48/24 ( or higher) and then downsampled to cd format?

It’s fine, you just have to search. Here’s Blur’s album that’s only been out a month or so.

Thank you @bruss It would be so useful to know how to check the real sampling of a recording, not only in this case indeed.
I asked this because on Kennedy’s website the first online shop where you can buy this album is iTunes and it’s not hi-res if I’m not mistaken (correct me if I’m wrong). Nothing against a good 44.1/16, however if a higher sampling is available, I would go for that as long as it’s real and not upsampled of course.

I thought there was a problem with the Italian domain (as I’m from Italy)
By the way I checked the album you pointed out and I’m happy to report that you are right.

This is the section I can see with all the new albums.

So now, which is best… Amazon HD or 7 Digital? Who knows!

The screen shot I posted was from my study system ( for convenience of the pic). I am now just listening in here and sounds good to me.

Thank you for checking it @bruss (I hope you enjoyed the album as well). So far I’ve just been listening to the album on Youtube. It seems to be an excellent recording, so hi-res is compulsory for me. Strangely enough I could only see the mp3 version on Amazon, I need to check better.

Just trying it on my ‘ropey’ old Node, Nait 2 and Rega El8’s (Kyte floorstanders). It is an excellent album and sounds good on anything I have. Thanks for the steer.


I buy all the time on 7digital along with Qobuz - they are fine.

They used to have some cracking deals but seem to have lost the plot a bit. They do have stuff that doesn’t appear on other sites and are worth a cross check when buying on Qobuz