Which cart for an ARO - Phonosophie no3 with prefix

Overhang can be optimally set for a reason if you don’t mind it being incorrect but sounds “ OK “ then that’s the dealer and item for you.
I’d like to think that audiophiles and enthusiasts might prefer to do it right.
It goes against the whole accuracy in equipment mantra. :thinking:
At the scale most important point of contact.

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You might know that I am more than correct when it comes to hifi.
But I habe learned that with aro you have to be ready for some compromises.
And as I know myself I really will choose a cart which fits :rofl:

Works also very fine not s boards

Good luck I hope you learned something.
If that’s you’re level of acceptance then don’t ask questions.
You know it already. :thinking:

Is there anything against linn kendo?

In my own experience and many others the lifetime for a cartridge is much shorter than that.

Haven’t heard it,but probably a step up from Krystal…

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Checked now Kendo output 0,45 and sorry the
Krystal 0,5.
So that’s one more advantage to the Kendo.

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Are the new Linn systems fine with the 7mm overhang?

They have all 3 points fastening as the Troika,so no problem.

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Will the 3 points/holes fit to the aro?

700/800 hours?

Yes,about 2years if you play one hour a day.

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It’s like asking how long will a car last for.
It depends on care and ownership conditions. :thinking:

Of course,and the suspension will degrade even if the cartridge is not in use.

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Ok, but then how you can be sure it’s time to retip?

When you start fiddling with expensive Ethernet cables instead of listening to vinyl :wink:


What a goal! Love it :nerd_face:


When it doesn’t sound right like it’s always been. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
You’re surely not telling me with all your years of experience you can’t tell the stylus isn’t right. :wink:

You’re a late bloomer Igel. Soon you have sold your old dusty vinyl toys and spent it all on a Chord Music Ethernet cable. Then life is complete :smile::+1: