Which cart for an ARO - Phonosophie no3 with prefix

One day you will be knocking on our doors - tears in your eyes. Begging for vinyl! :rofl:


I have too much of it. Need to sell it to buy a cable!

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:grinning:Super that you’re happy with
my old NDS :raised_hands:

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Drago, if it’s any help I can give my dealer a call tomorrow and see what cartridge he recommends. He’s the one with Aro/Phonosophie/Art 1. He’s a real vinyl nutcase and along with Peter probably one of the best LP12 set-up specialists around, so he knows his way round good turntable combinations. He’d definitely be worth consulting to get a good shortlist.


Cables are often vinyl too :slight_smile:

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So my Kleos was already kaput when I bought it :joy:

Of course, but I guess the degradation is progressive. It doesn’t become suddenly wrong, does it?

This will be very much perfect! Thanks so much!

Probably, I couldn’t stand my Lyra Delos for very long either :wink:

I checked mine the other day with ARO 2 protractor at Baerwald null point👌


Generally, they say 2500/3000 hours. But some say it’s a bit optimistic.
However 600 hours seems to me exaggerated. I clean my records with ultrasonic and clean regularly my stylus.

@JosquinDesPrez wanted : you have a Lyra. Do you think the lifetime is more 2000/2500 hours or more 600/800 hours?

I said that while joking , because I started fiddling with Ethernet cables before I bought the Kleos. So the Kleos was already at the end of his life.
More seriously I enjoy a lot my Kleos, as I enjoyed the Delos.

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Don’t worry, I don’t consider you as a fish.
But I have never experienced a tired cartridge which needed retip, as I have always upgraded the carts before the ongoing one was beginning defective.

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I see and many seems to like Lyra,but didn’t suit my system .
I never clean the records only the needle with AT ultra sonic and sometimes
Linn green paper

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The dynavector carts seem to fit good in the 7mm range. The overhang can not be adjusted, so the cart is the one defining. Yours … yummy, and the aro is also a very fine one… yummy again

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Likewise me too but in the old days of flip over “ needles “ it was obvious when the time had come. :scream:

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Hi @Cohen1263
Some do work wonderfully and certain dealers know what they are.
Enjoy you’re lovely Steath Spinner. :wink: :+1:t2:


Yes - it looks perfect. Linn systems also look as they fit very good.
Stylus to hole is 8mm for dv1t :+1:
Kendo … wow it’s some money to spend :wink::blush:

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Sorry for late reply. Unfortunately I can’t even share a photo with you as my arm etc is now temporarily residing in the clutches of Peter Swain at Cymbiosis as he thinks how best to break the bad news to me about what I have inflicted on my poor cartridge. I would strongly recommend giving Peter a call for advice on appropriate Aro counter weights to suit specific cartridges. He keeps an extensive range of Dynavector and Linn carts - not sure what others. Irrespective I’m sure he would be happy to offer advice to you - I doubt there is another person on the planet with a better working knowledge of the Aro. Good luck with your search!
