Which whisky are you drinking and why someone else might enjoy it?

@anon17748768 . Following your posts last year, i was able to buy a Hazelburn 10 years and a Kilkerran 12 years, both very good ! When i will receive my bottles, i will post a picture of my small collection that would not even fill a single shelf of your incredible collection :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks Denisf…

I will have a dram tonight of Kilkerran in honour of your growing collection, keep searching…

(my oldest son is over in Banff at the mo for a wedding (later today)… a little further west than you methinks…)


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Yep, 3862 km to the west to be precise

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Lucky you! Enjoy. :tumbler_glass:

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Great collection @anon17748768, only one issue, they’re all full ?


I usually open/drink 2/3 at a time so they don’t go off.

So just replaced the SB10 and GS15, the KK8 is almost empty…

Then I will move onto another 2/3 different ones…can’t drink them all at once…

I also have some more open on the t’other alcove/shelving that require attention…plenty to go at, however too many to enjoy all at once…

Moderation in all things… :smiley:



Currently running my way through a sample pack of Penryn “Dragon series” whiskies (“Legend”, “Myth” and “Celt”) bought for me by daughter2 & partner as a thank you for a weekend’s cat sitting :smile_cat:.

They’re nice….must do some more kitty sitting :grinning: :grinning:


Picture of my modest collection. Drinking Bowmore 18 yrs now !


Nice, enjoy !


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One if my favourites :+1:

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Impulse buy at Chennai arrivals duty free (honestly, don’t…)

Quite pleasant though. Helping to see me through a bout of gout.



When it’s gone, it’s gone forever - but then so are we.

If you don’t know the story of Nant whisky scandal, it’s a great read: less ‘Whisky Galore’ and more ‘The Producers’ perhaps.


Just enjoying a Hazelburn 10 yo…

Had a couple of new arrivals today… Hazelburn 21 yo and Springbank 25 yo…




Well done Anthony. Hens teeth come to mind!

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YOLO :smiley:

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Another delicious discovery from the Land of the Rising Sun:


And it’s all too short!


They’re all unopened! Are they there just to admire or for drinking?


Both, see post around 9 days ago… :smile:


Ok, thanks - saw your earlier post that you only drink 2-3 at a time.

In my experience whisky deteriorates very slowly after opening - easily lasting a few years and I have many that have been opened far longer than that with no obvious change.

As a comparison to your approach, I have around 30 bottles of whisky, all of which are open. Part of the joy for me is being able to move between so many whiskies comparing them to one another and also being able to choose something that fits the moment. Restricting yourself to two or three at one time seems very strange. It’s like only playing two to three albums for weeks at a time and then moving onto a different set for the next few weeks. :man_shrugging:

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