Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it


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Xmas wines
These are what I managed to get out to have over the next few days, supplemented by a few other fresh whites. There will be a lot of decanting.


Nice selection.

Du Glana 2017
From a Zoom call with college friends a few days ago, with a ghostly apparition of me I’ve just noticed reflected in the French windows. Decanted for a hour (for those missing the normal claret jug I’m down in London seeing family for Christmas and using the one I keep down here).
Still deep ruby colour, no sign of bricking. Cassis and red fruits on the nose with some earthy scents. The palate is light to medium weight, not quite thin, but lacking the richness of a fine vintage, nice acidity and more earthiness, with a hint of cedar. Again red fruits and cassis, and a hint of something darker, damson maybe. Reasonable length. After a couple of hours it blossomed a bit, the mid-palate filled out to a richer feel, the fruits and tannins seemed better integrated. Possibly suggests that a 3 hour decant or waiting another 3-4 years would show it at its best. It’s enjoyable now, especially after it filled out, it’s a pretty good example of a light vintage Bordeaux.


Slave drivers

I bought an Australian alcohol free Shiraz to accompany the topside of beef which I’ll be roasting tomorrow. I hope that it will be up to snuff!


Some Xmas eve Port from Funchal tonight :grinning:


Selection for tomorrow. Since moving to the US 15 years ago, most of my wines are domestic but my wife would never forgive me if we didn’t have something nice champagne wise to start our day. Still trying to decide on the dessert wine…
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


I see that the Pol Roger is named after Sir Winston Churchill. Winston usually got through a few bottles per day of Pol Roger during WW 2.

I’m sure that current Cabinet Office rules wouldn’t allow a Prime Minister to do that these days, if the country were involved in a world war!


As well as naming their prestige cuvée after him, Pol Roger also added a black border to the labels of bottles of Pol shipped to the U.K. after his death as a tribute. I seem to remember reading that they also got the Rue that their HQ sits on renamed to Rue Winston Churchill, but haven’t checked the validity of that.



Merry Christmas Eoin, hope you have a relaxing time with family and friends :wine_glass: :wine_glass:

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Thanks Alan, and you, have a nice glass or two.

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Enjoying what seems to have become our annual Christmas Eve tipple

Penfolds Father Grand Tawny, delightful lightly chilled.


A selection for the next couple of days, chosen by my daughter from what I have in stock.


Happy Christmas from Vicenza, everybody!

The label says “Excellent as a meditation wine.”


Always love a bit of Amerone. Have some for Boxing Day :grinning::wine_glass:


We are 50 km from Verona here, the smell of the grapes drying arrives to us.


Beautiful. We were skiing in the Dolomites last week. Some lovely wines were tasted :grinning:

Happy Christmas everyone. A selection for today and tomorrow. The Gratien BdB was so nice and there is more in the cellar. Really looking forward to tomorrow’s Pierre Paillard.

The 05 Michel Mallard Corte Le Rogent improved through the evening. Kicked off the Warre’s tonight as well.

Tomorrow probably going to get a white supplement depending on my whim and then the Miles Mossop BDX blend should hit the spot with sirloin. If I need a stickie apart from port will go with a Kracher perhaps.


@Eoink I see it made the wine spectator top 10 this year. It’s certainly a cut above the average supermarket kiwi Sauvignon. I’ve just bought a half dozen for summer sipping. Have a great Xmas.