Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it

A lot in a local auction house. Obviously I don’t really know what I’m looking at. But some at least look like they may have been stored upright. I’m intrigued though.


‘’ You’ve got ask yourself - do I feel lucky, well do you?

Hoping you are lucky



TBH Ian, I’m in no position to gamble on these. By way of a backstory, this auction is of ex-Naval stuff, hardly any of it wine. Maybe half a dozen wine and port lots.

My Dad is ex RN and when a local base closed in the mid eighties, he bought a mixed half-case of which a couple of bottles were Saint-Emilion, from the wardroom. Forty years later both are still spoken of reverentially. He and my youngest brother drank them. Apparently they have never been bettered!

So my interest in the Saint-Emilion auction lot was piqued by the naval connection.

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Mmm, lets hope they have weathered any storms - and are drinkable

best wishes


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Oh that’s lovely! Dorli is a good friend of mine, I will tell her that you enjoyed her wine!


Thank you Rod.

This house red is really delicious, so uncomplicated and eminently drinkable especially with a Dalmatian style casserole cooked on an olive wood fire for 3 hours. :yum: The wine is from Istria but we are boating on the islands across the way from Zadar.


We stayed in Istria a few years back and the food and wine (and olive oil!) reminded me of Tuscany


I think you have just described what good house wine should taste like and be.

I know people who dislike the idea of a house wine on principle ( I think it’s a thread :thread: in itself)

Best wishes



I must admit when I was offered the house wine I hesitated but the waitress noticed and reassured me. She gave me a free taste to help me decide. The day before, the waitress/owner in another restaurant had suspected I might be choosy and brought me several different wines to taste. We joked thst I had drunk so much by the time I came to decide that I didn’t necessarily need another glass :wine_glass:


I have to say that I think most restaurants give a lot of thought to their house wines these days - the days of terrible house wines are long gone. TBH, if a restaurant can’t go to the trouble of finding a decent house wine then I’m not that interested


I didn’t suspect the restaurant would be that nice inside. Here’s the view of it from the street :grimacing:


Spent yesterday evening at a celebration given by The Swan At Chapel Down. Thank heavens I wasn’t driving as the Chapel Down Brut and Kit’s Coty Chardonnay were being laid on in abundance.

I have to say, the Kit’s Coty really impressed.


A glass and a half of this with my Dad during our regular Tuesday supper, where I heated the Charlie Bigham’s and steamed some green beans.

I thought it really well balanced and would buy some myself. Waitrose, if it helps anyone.

With the first anniversary of my Mum’s death fast approaching we were initially sombre. But the wine took us elsewhere, and Dad (who is ex-RN) loved hearing of the life of Commander Nigel ‘Sharkey’ Ward whose obit I had read in the Times. Ward was a naval Sea Harrier pilot in the Falklands conflict and commanded 801 Squadron aboard Invincible. His commanding officer said, ‘without Sharkey Ward disobeying orders, Britain would not have retained the Falklands.’

There was also a little vignette where the BBC had wanted a Harrier to land on the Pebble Mill building for a live Pebble Mill at One. The RAF declined saying it was ‘too dangerous’. Sharkey did the job.

Dad loved it as I knew he would. The Great Man view of history and all that.

Which is all a very round-a-bout way of saying a good, enjoyable red.


Another lovely wine, soft as the evening breeze in the harbour on Iz island and with a slightly mineral finish


Domain Raison Sauvignon Blanc Hokkaido
This was the second wine of 9 served at Koke , a Michelin star restaurant in Kyoto. It was part of a degustation menu.
It had the grass and capsicum thing going on but lacked the mid body richness

of the new world examples of this grape. Still, an interesting wine.


I’ll bet the courses were all out of this world IDAK ?

It was the best meal I have ever eaten, served with great care and courtesy. Below are pictures of the amuse bouch and a sea urchin with “sea egg” ( seaweed )course that was sourced from Okinawa. The restaurant features local duck as well as Hokkaido, Okinawan and Spanish produce. The staff all lined up to bow to us when we left. Not bad for around £300 for two.


That’s pretty reasonable value IDAK

Good Japanese food is my favourite

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Yes, the Japanese food costs were very reasonable compared to australasia. Lunchtime meals were about $6-12NZ and were delicious. If you are in a budget Japan is a great place to visit.