Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it

Been there twice hopefully again next year

Love their premium sakes also / delicious


Has Saka for the first time a few years ago in an upmarket Asian restaurant in Melbourne. Picked a dearer one and didn’t like it, probably an acquired taste


I hope you’re having a great time in Japan Hugh.


I read Sharkey’s obituary in The Times earlier this week - wonderful character, and so sad he is no longer with us. I’ll be raising a glass to him this evening - and to your good health too.

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I’ve still got my old copy of Sharkey Ward’s book, must give it another read. The Times obituary was interesting - quite an unusual and maverick later life after the RN years.

On the wine front - not drinking any at present but I did pop in to importer/supplier Yapp Bros pre-move bin end sale at Mere earlier today. They are moving up the A303 next month to Sparkford, extending storage space and making deliveries easier. The old facility in Mere is a lovely, charming place but must have been a logistics nightmare.

Came out with a nice couple of bottles of red. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yapp’s courtyard -


Often see Mere on the road signs as I pass by - never stopped off. Always Sparkford though! Thanks @Dynaudio1

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Yes, not too much in Mere other than Yapp ! They have been there over 50 years so in a way it is the end of an era. Superb importer of classy wines.

Their new base in Sparkford is what was the old Haynes facility on the High St, fitted out for their needs. Apparently, wine storage space will triple. Other than location it will be business as normal.

I did take the opportunity to buy from them a lovely bit of original art, as used in their 2011 catalogue cover. A nice memento !


Thank you, and to you! Cheers! Enjoy your wine.


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@Eoink Thanks Eoin. Just back a few days after a 12 day sojourn. It was such an intense experience I am still processing it. An abiding impression is of a very culturally proud and courteous people.


Lately, while watching the very enjoyable 2024 Giro d’Italia, i often have this subliminal urge to uncork a bottle of red, and even tho’ these guys are nowhere near the Puglia region… but let’s no get into technicality.

I get to try out my new cork screw too, and it works very well :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


i love brunellos di montalcino but never tryed rosso di montalcino yet i guess bouth have sangiovese grapes.


The Rosso is the entry level red of montalcino made from the same grapes as its big brother. And good value.

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Relatively good value these days :roll_eyes:


Rosso is definitely worth a try. I’ve bad some excellent ones over the years and can be great value as IDAK said. I’ve actually preferred Rosso to Brunello occasionally.

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This Chablis has a wonderful freshness and salinity. Nectar of the gods.


Gee we don’t see (or I don’t) a lot of Chablis these days.


Thanks for recomendation any specific brands i was watching rosso di montalchino from castello Banfi but ended up getting brunello from Banfi online shoud be here next week i think i will have with a steak and rest with chesse and nuts


I was a customer of a wine importer who mainly dealt with the restaurant trade. He had 100 non trade clients of which I was one, and he held monthly tastings of his latest European arrivals. It was a great education and it certainly opened my mind. I got to know the wines of the producers he imported and Gilbert Picq Chablis is not famous but excellent as it is flying under the radar


On both occasions I tried warm sake recently I woke the next day with a feeling like I had a golf ball behind my right eye. Only 150 ml as well so I’ll steer clear of it from now on.

Mine was warm and I found it difficult to drink but paid so much for it I was determine to finish it. :grin: