Who is cleaning his lps without a machine and why

I have an Okki Nokki I stopped using when I went ultrasonic. Now I have two US machines. An Audio Desk for day-to-day and new record cleaning, and a Kirmuss for deeper ckeaning restoration tasks. I have 4000+ LPs, some dating back to the 50s (incl. 10" DGGs and Deccas) so the investment in proper care is worthwhile for me. It’s less than what I have into my SuperLine and just as important.

Over here in the states I think we need an orange version.


I think there’s a Red Audio Desk that looks Orange :tangerine:

I like that there is a cultery tray at the top. This could be used to clean the stylus and cartridge, which can get very dirty


I observed that the dishes machine doesn’t rinse enough, so I rinse my lps in the garden, with that:


@opus , definitely a joke.

Bobthebuilder, did you buy yours straight from Paulo?

The real giveaway is that no-one stacks dishwashers that badly :wink:

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It’s vinyl madness! Just another thing to obsess over besides vertical tracking angles and Baerwald alignments.

No purchased used on another forum.

I wonder if it was from PFM from someone in London, as that’s how I sold mine around 2010 or so.

I did buy mine on PFM but please don’t tell me it’s been 10 years it feels like just 2.

LOL! I sold mine around that time frame, the buyer came to Willesden Green where I lived to pick it up.

It’s just that they are so rare outside Brazil that I figured there was a chance it might be the same one.

It’s still my favorite machine short of the Loricraft I replaced it with.

Yes it’s a great little machine.

Requires audiophile grade salt - I have loads if you want any, only £99/kilo. :wink:

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You should see what Mrs AC does - 15% of the time she’ll stick some spatula or other thing in (or an oversized plate) that slips through the tray and stops either top or bottom arm spinning. We currently have a terribly cheap Beko (both old Miele ones leaked despite the fancy hose, and never dried well) and the upper rack/tray is not well supported - naturally she loads it with the heaviest items at the front so it bends downwards again making it more likely that the upper arm hits something below.

I am also the only one who ever cleans the filter at the bottom removing all manner of grime, dental floss and hair!


That would be interesting to try actually with an album where certain clicks and pops may be due to some ingrained muck rather than a physical scratch - sounds like a project, before and after medium high pressure vinyl cleaning - after all when you think of the pressure exerted by the tip of the stylus on a tiny area, I believe it’s huge.

I have no place for a dishwasher. Neither RCM. Look at my system and room, it’s in the link below.


I think I get it - if you have little space you could have a tiny kitchen using the larger living space for hi-fi - rather than spending a lot on a fancy kitchen you prioritise the living space and hi-fi.

The video is funny to see. If you watch at it till the end, you will see that guy have absolutely no space left. Only gear and records for 99% of the space.
Of course, not my case. But we have however a little flat, that we like a lot. But no place left in the kitchen for a washing machine. We are two, so finally no need for that.

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