Why I am gaining weight

I just worked it out. There are twelve places that I can walk to from our house in rural Madeira. Not all that sophisticated, but rather good value. It’s just not worth cooking at home.


I am loosing actually weight. Avoided potatoes, frites, pasta, hot dogs…and have moderated the sugar .
I eat fruits in the morning, Chinese or Japanese at lunch, and meat or fish with vegetables full of fibers. It works. 3kg in 6 weeks for now.


I’d always imagined that food in Madeira would be good, but that looks like some ‘70s steakhouse throwback.


Madeira looks like it follows the standard Portugeuse cuisine, there are some exceptions, but on the whole even outside the Algarve the country fare is dire. They will serve rice or potatoes but as standard they are always served with chips.

Quantity is why, but enjoy.

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I still think fondly of the traditional cooked meat served dangling from wooden sticks we had in Madeira. The food generally there was great.


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Excellent portions and food looks very nice - can understand why you’d be reluctant to cook often if it’s such good value.

Are you permanently resident there or on holiday?

Outside of the expensive hotels and top restaurants, the food is pretty basic really, especially in the rural areas. Even in Funchal there is often a common theme found in restaurant menus. Most people ‘scratch cook’ at home, as there is little availability of pre-packed or ready meals.

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Not sure what you mean by basic? I’vd only been to the Algarve, but 4 times, different places and only one at a tourist hotspot. Outside the tourist towns, though given the general area rarely very far from other tourists, eating out I only recall a small proportion of meals where someone in our party had chips. Lots of rice, especially variations on the seafood rice theme, also, of course, chicken especially piri piri. I’ve only been to Madeira once, where I seem to recall generally similar fare though we stayed on the edge of Funchal so there were many eateries doing all sorts of cuisine.

Pre-packed or “ready” meals -why? I recall wonderful markets with a delightful selection of fresh veg and fruit, meat and fish, far better than most places I’ve been in Britain, and there were certainly some in Funchal -great for self-catering!

I was in Madeira a few years back. Fantastic place.

Food options not particularly broad but you could get ‘steak on the stone’ just about everywhere!


If you remove the chips, frites, and potatoes, it would be much better. And the bread too.

…… but not worth eating :slight_smile:


If they’re on holiday or having a break I’d really not worry too much if adding a few pounds is all that’s to be concerned about. Enjoy it.

Yes, you wouldn’t necessarily want that kind of calorific intake every day but if your metabolism can temporarily handle it go for it. Mine wouldn’t and I’d probably opt for fewer carbs overall.

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Stop shoving food down your gob and you’ll lose weight in no time at all. Scientifically proven!:sunglasses:


Do that for long enough and you’ll never put on weight again (nor need to eat)…

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Awesome, in other words. :yum:


But I followed the tittle….i felt it was a little complaint.

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Similarly, I tend to put on weight when going to see my mum in Coral Bay near Paphos in Cyprus…


And I get chubbier whenever I visit Brussels:


Well that’s breakfast then, how do you fill the rest of the day?