Why is this board so 'blokey'?

+1 for Reddingtons.

Iā€™m a female techie, and even Iā€™m well out of that one.

So yeah.


Can someone explain to me why all the domestic extension leads Iā€™ve looked at recently are wired such that the mains cable enters on the right side with the sockets the correct way up?

I want to run one to the right of an existing socket without the cable looping behind the extension box or having the sockets upside down to get the full length.

I assume some sort of socket to socket wiring practicality???

There is a famous scene from the Dutch WWII movie ā€œ Soldier of Orangeā€, directed by Paul Verhoeven, in which the hero of the story is dropped just off the Dutch coast by a British Royal Navy ship for his mission in the heroā€™s own country to spy behind enemy lines. Heā€™d been issued with a portable radio which he was told was protected by a waterproof cover, except that it wasnā€™t.


All healthy and thrivingā€¦
People and Plantsā€¦

Interesting comment how a number of us only engage on this community site instead of the traditional FB /meta platforms. I for one appreciate this platform.
No instagram for me!


I hate FB, Twitter etc with a vengeance. Or rather I hate the effect that their uncontrolled existence and seemingly universal commitment that they engender to follow, and where not follow to lead by very bad example, extremism thriving. Yes, I know some people use FB for family and friend groups without participating in the rest, and if that all would it were FB would be fine, but as it stands hate is not too strong a word for my feeling about the rest of it and the effect it, and other populist unsocial media are having on society, and especially young people.


I tend to agree. I see it as a form of social bullying. You have to agree to the posts or risk being an outsider. Personally I donā€™t have a presence on any media platform other than my hobby interests. Naim HiFi and Lotus cars. My sons, daughters, brothers and sisters will often say ā€œ didnā€™t you know xyz about the familyā€. Er, no why would I? If you canā€™t be bothered to phone me with news I sure ainā€™t going to search for it.


I just found this photo online of Reddingtonā€˜s rare records as I remember it in the underpass that led from what I think was Moor Street station towards the Bullring area.

It was very exciting for me in those days to get a train from Solihull to Moor Street, come straight out of the station and walk under the underpass with Reddingtonā€™s visible straight ahead.

I would always go straight into the Record shop And spend Half an hour Or more hunting around for records That looked interesting.

From what I just saw online, the bloke (no pun intended) on the left in the photo is Reddington himself.

Unfortunately, it seems that the owner of the shop was actually proud of his relationship as a supplier of records to one of the criminal Kray twins, which slightly tarnishes my otherwise idyllic memories of buying albums at that shop.


You know Reddington is very much alive and sells records on line? Iā€™m a Brummie, so I remember the shopā€™s various locations over the years.


Some images of cute little hedgehogsā€¦


Surely not on the takeaway menu


Maybe in some places Ian :wink:


I never went there when it moved to Digbeth.

I remember very well the Wimpy bar in needless Alley.

I remember buying a stack of Zildjian symbols during the closing down sale of Woodruffs musical instrument shop and carrying them home on the train.

And the punk shop Oasis.

My mother lived at 42 Erdington Hall Road including during most of the war, until she was evacuated to the countryside - and her mother, Florence, my grandmother, lived there all her life.

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Reminds me of Ralphy in the deranged bunny suit.

I handle social media in much the same way, the only addition to my activities is a bit of WhatsApp. My kids and wife and I interact with family stuff thru a specific WhatsApp address and itā€™s been fun to keep up with daily/weekly events and pertinent pics of the grandkids and things. Also good for interplanning get-togethers and such.
However, I have notifications for the site turned off, which I believe is a key factor. I touch on WhatsApp occasionally to see if there are any visual notifications at the address.