Why is this board so 'blokey'?

You been picking a fight with someone then HH?

Do tell…

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You haven’t heard Mrs SinS then :joy:

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He looks like he’s seeking revenge for getting clothed in a pink dress.

Far too much testosterone on display in certain threads may be the reason :woman_facepalming:

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Okay, you pull have to out them now :sunglasses:. I don’t think it’s Suzy Wong, maybe Xanthe?

Do you mean @Xanthe?

Probably mentioned it before but I think when I joined the old forum when people had ‘status descriptors’ that Xanthe was Huge? Might be wrong.

Unfortunately, and no matter who it was, the forum system appended ‘Member’ which resulted in a user called ‘Huge Member’!



No you don’t. It’s none of our business, unless the person concerned wants it to be.

With this sort of twaddle, is it any wonder that some might stay away. Guardian of the purse strings indeed. What a load of bollocks.


We had a cousin who was a “Top bloke”
One of two brothers very talented. One played bass and the other played drums for a few popular local pub bands.
The drummer cousin nick was a lovely chap. He had a big head, a big heart and a big Willy. Which he literally loved to wave about.
He was diagnosed with cancer of the penis. The Dr advised to have it removed to have a great chance of living the rest of his days as a fairly fit 55 year old with a wife.
He chose not to and was gone in a few years.
So I say we should all embrace our blokeness.


I’m pretty sure that the last time I saw Suzy Wong our Pete was there too …


Far too much over-analysis here. We’re all human with the vices and virtues that go with this. More acceptance and less judgement please…


Suzy Wong was a much loved cat.

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The wife would definitely join the forum, but my boxers need ironing…

… jokes aside, my wife likes music but isn’t interested in the tech behind it. It’s more about the melody and rhythm than the detail or faithful reproduction. She’s just as happy singing along with the alexa in the kitchen as she is with the hifi.

I think she finds my serious music face a bit amusing😐

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Indeed. Together with Tux the forums’ best known cats.

Great thread and some interesting and revealing insights into some members attitudes.

I think the main reason there a few women here is one they couldn’t be bothered and two how they were/are treated. Without naming names there was a woman a few years ago (again you don’t know for sure that it was actually a woman) who I thought was treated with contempt by one member. What surprised me was no one (me included which I’ve often regretted) defended her.

And yes I believe Suzy Wong is definitely a bloke. :grin:

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I hope you’re not pointing the finger at me Pete, my response was meant in jest…:grin:

Definitely not both members I was referring too have long gone.

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Good, still deleted my post didn’t want it to be misunderstood which it probably could👍

If you are wrong or, in this day and age, 50% wrong, you are sooo cancelled :rofl:

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