Why is this board so 'blokey'?

Wot 'e said. :+1:


Well said, Kev. Debs has been on the forum longer than I have, and I donā€™t ever remember Debs getting rinsed on any thread. I think Debs does more ā€œblokeyā€ stuff than I doā€¦That was meant as a compliment!


In my head I always imagined @Debs asā€¦

And the @TheKevster asā€¦

Apologies if this has offended.


Canā€™t speak for Debs but this is me, yesterday:


Nothing blokey about me taking the missus to the beachā€¦


Thatā€™s a proper blokes bloke.

Iā€™m sure there are women on this forum who simply choose not to reveal their gender.

If only misogyny was a stoning offenceā€¦


Which oneā€™s you Debs?


Time to give up the fags, Kev. Theyā€™re not doing you any favoursā€¦


I must admit that personally I tend to spend my time on here in hifi corner and streaming. If I were to mention an interest outside of hifi it wouldnā€™t be very ā€œgirlyā€ either as my other main hobby is video games. My profile pic is actually my character from final fantasy 14 a mmo I play.


Indeed, one read of the jokes thread would be enough to make them run for the hills.

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ā€¦swears heā€™s Dolly Partonā€¦

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Ok, whoā€™s the ā€˜blokeā€™ at the bottom?

Context is everything. I have heard those terms used in a work context by people in charge of change management where the implication of terms like ā€œfellaā€ or ā€œguyā€ is that we are all part of the same team with the same aims when we certainly are not.

What a difference a day makesā€¦

Itā€™s not the lack of women on the forum thatā€™s the problem itā€™s abundance of English members. :grin:


My wife and 3 daughters wil happily listen to me speak of bands or songs etcetera, but as soon as I mention even a sausage of info or detail regarding the equipment or details of the sound, their eyes gloss over and they find a way to leave or change the subject. Actually my wife just blatantly says, yeah, yeah, Iā€™m really not interested.
And my wife and daughters are quite mechanically minded and capable in many traditionally male skills.

This is what @BigAl was referring to and he is dead-on correct. I know many women of all ages and absolutely none of them have even the least bit of interest in the electronics or especially things like setting up a cartridge properly, leveling kit, proper cables, different speakers ā€¦ the list is endless.

With 3 daughters, Iā€™m obviously a avid supporter of respect for women, and I have specifically taught each of them many mechanical skills so that they donā€™t have to be so dependant on a male, and they thank me regularly for that, but audio stuff just isnā€™t their thing.
Just my experience.


And Iā€™m a bloke from Banbury, and the Tews.

From personal experience, when I ask a question in a shop or demo and the dealer replies to my husband. Repeatedly and in different stores. The worst was when I answered the phone when the dealer called back with an answer to a query and, as my husband wanā€™t in, reluctantly gave me the information as I ā€˜sounded quite sensibleā€™ and could be trusted to pass the information on. The query was mine in the first place. That did not result in a sale. Luckily now we have dealers who are better than that. Attitudes like that might be why women donā€™t feel welcome in audio.


To repeat an observation made earlier, if you change the word ā€˜womenā€™ in that sentence to ā€˜peopleā€™, it certainly applies to my experience, irrespective of gender. Sure, the very few people I know (outside the forum) who are ā€˜into hifiā€™ are male, but itā€™s too small a sample size to make any reliable conclusions. Might as well say theyā€™re all right-handed.

But @david1111ā€™s mention of ā€˜electronicsā€™ and daughters reminded me that my daughter is specialising in electronic & electrical engineering (just about to start fourth year undergrad, planning on career in the sector) and is also very musical (mainly singing at a near-semi-professional level). She and I discuss music a lot and she occasionally asks for advice on things like headphone recommendations, but otherwise has shown little interest in my systems, except perhaps for the odd snippet of information about technicalities like power supplies, noise reduction etc.

But thatā€™s still only a sample size of one! And, for that matter, the only other musical electronic engineer I know also isnā€™t particularly interested in hifi and is male, so what does that prove?
