Word of the day / week

I knew this smell but not what it’s called.


I’ve always called it ‘that rainy smell’.


Is this the same smell you smell before rain falls? It is like you can sense a storm is coming.

I have always liked ‘petrichor’ (the word and the smell), but it’s not word that can be easily dropped into a conversation!

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That would surely be ‘ozone’?

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I’m not sure … could increase in humidity trigger the release of those chemicals?

It’s all in the mind.

If you associate rain (or anything) with a particular smell, knowing that it’s about to rain will cause the brain to imagine the particular smell.


This is a hi-fi forum. Anything my ears/nose tells me is definitely real and not influenced by psychology… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hifi sniffers should have a few nomenclatures of our own.
Fresh vinyl. ?
Heated tubes ?
Box fresh cables ?
New speaker varnish ?

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Smells like teen spirit to me!


There’s a particular odour when you get indoors after being in the cold. Is there a name and reason for that or is it just BO?

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This subject came up over a coffee at the farmers’ market on Saturday; then this morning I was introduced to misophonia.

I will tell the diesel generator operatives three or four streets away of my condition. Roads,drains,water pipes,generalised rack and ruin.

I am sure to get the usual ‘do what?’ In response.

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So misophonia is a synonym for jazz! :grin:

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Back in the day when I was an EHO specialising in noise pollution the people I felt for were those that heard specific frequencies from industrial units and sub-stations (grid). I was able to measure the sound they heard with frequency analysers, but could we get anyone to attenuate the source? No - because of the excessive cost of doing so, and the fact that not enough people were affected to make the noise a public nuisance.

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Over reaction to vinyl surface noise is a condition.

Luckily I’m not a sufferer. :grin:

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Nebulaphobia … came up in a book this morning. Just like the sound of it.