Worst /funny album covers


Some of these are getting quite scary.

Could put me off going to Church for my annual visit.



Why is it that so many of the weird/creepy looking album covers appear to be about religion?


You answered your own question! Lol.



Penny Drop


I’ve always found this one the most effective at making me never want to play it and yet regarded as a classic.



Never let the Pet Sounds cover put you off. It’s a masterpiece. It took me years to get round to buying it ! I was in the record shop the next day to find out what else there was, the collection of Beach Boys, Brian Wilson etc now runs into 3 figures. Books, lps, cds, cassettes, dvd, vhs etc etc


I hear you Bob, just can’t do it, I know it sounds irrational, but there is something on the album that keeps me clear in the way some avoid clowns

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Aw, man…Demon’s Dance cover is fab.
Straight outta 70’s Miles.


Wow, that first one.

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They’re real ones I’ve got them. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Playboys is a great album.

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I don’t know where to look. I keep thinking of Bad Manners. Anyone listened to it?


I have this album,sounds one hell of a lot better than it looks,undoubtedly a bizarre/funny cover .

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I’m just listening to the latest Dexys album (Music thread) which is really catchy in places.

I’ve done a bit of reading around ‘My Beauty’ earlier (someone posted the cover in another cover art thread but couldn’t find it tonight, otherwise would’ve linked).

I’m not bothered at all about him wearing a dress/lingerie, who cares, the pose and lifted hem revealing the package below just looks odd to me. Maybe meant to be a bit controversial, but I just wonder with a different pose if it might have looked better. That’s art for you! He says in several interviews it challenges people and makes them feel uncomfortable (I think anyway), I think I’d have preferred to see him just looking happy wearing what he wanted to.

I thought it was lovely he’d re-recorded one of that album’s tracks with his grandson (admittedly they’re all covers anyway).

Looking at KR’s clothing over the years much of it reminded me of stylish clothing of yesteryear, almost Kid Creole like on some albums. Gonna have to visit their back catalogue.

Did I ever say I hate dungarees?

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I have everything else by Dexys,have yet to buy the latest,but I will,I know what you mean about clothing,Kid Creole ,a definite touchstone. Saw them live a few years ago at the Latitude festival,they were very good,almost like a musical,the whole set seemed to be a drama.

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It’s a real ear-worm, just ordered the LP! Try it on streaming.

The video for My Submission is thought provoking.

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Have just ordered it ,on your recommendation ,should arrive in a couple of days.

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