Worst /funny album covers

Hope you like it :scream_cat:

I’m sure I will,have always been captivated by his unique vocal style,he’s a one off as they say.

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Thijs Van Leer is hilarious. He looks so quizzically pXXsed off that anyone should want to listen to him. What the fXXk are you doing here? Absolutely classic. It can’t be real, surely.

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Sad to admit I’ve got some of the albums shown in this thread.

I find the only thing worse than this album cover is the album itself.

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Apparently pretty good too.


Part your vinyl collection Mike. :rofl::rofl:

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I do have a few dodgy album covers as it happens….

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Wow, I never know that that was the brilliant Robert Fripp’s band prior to King Crimson. It was the 60s, so maybe we can blame mushrooms for that cover. It’s rather charming really.

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Steve @HiFiFoFum , an idea for a shop sign…?

Hope you’re keeping well - happy new year!

re. the Giles, Giles and Fripp album: I bought it many years ago, mostly out of a sense of complete-ism… I did play it once - it isn’t great but maybe I should re-visit it now?
It is mentioned in the booklet with “The Young Person’s Guide to King Crimson”, wherein I think it says the album had worldwide sales of 600.

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There are bits of GG&F on yootoob if one cares to search for them

What’s wrong with the Miles Davis one Toby ?



Yes, it’s a matter of taste.
But. The yellow colour is making all the other colours look awkward in the frame.
The composition doesn’t really help the eye. What are you meant to focus on ?
There’s no real correlation between the subject matters contents meanings to the images.
But anyway being French you should have the upper hand here.

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If only it was just Jimmy.

Disraeli Gears worst/funny?
Meddle same…?

Come sir, you jest…


Yes, a matter of taste. I like this cover, as the Jack Lean also. My favourite of Miles is however the live in Agharta. Same artist as for the Jack Lean. Don’t remember the name and bit lazy to search now.

Excellent covers and great albums, are you in the right thread? :rofl: