Xps dr

Yes i believe this to be correct. It’s my first experience with using a Burndy cable and from reading many tips here from many experienced members, de-stressing it has made a quite a difference. I noticed things as soon as i turned my system back on from my first attempt.

Since then i have de-stressed the Burndy a good couple times now, just to make sure that it’s connected nice and relaxed, without any torsion up and down, side to side, and with no twisting. Really paid off.

As for switching the XPS DR on, it sounds the same as my HiCap, yes a pinging sound, but nothing to really worry about. All big supplies do this l believe, where a big rush of current flows in before stabilising for normal duties.

distressing, or de-stressing…?


Yes i have corrected my post. I’m using an iPad, i find it hard work. :grin:

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that’s distressing!
I recommend de-stressing with a glass of chilled Chardonnay while listening to music :smiley:

BTW, is your dealer Nick in North End?


Not at 11 in the morning though! I know Fareham is the Magaluf of Hampshire but that’s going too far.


OK, perhaps a “petit rose” then…

Plenty of strong tea for this time of day thank you very much! Got to go and take my new laptop back to the shop to be changed for another one. Missing pixels on the screen, which only came to light after i’d loaded everything on. Painful! :thinking:


The only thing missing from the poll was the one thing that was certain to happen - “WoW The Absolute Greatest Thing Ever” (with optional exclamation marks). And so it came to pass. Course what will happen is that in a few weeks, less maybe, our man will start to wonder why Naim make a 555PS, and then that itch will start. A 555 is another level of improvement up just like a Fraim is better than a Lite, it just is, that’s why Naim make both and price them accordingly so they can sell you both ideally, first the one you could afford then the one you want. Bike shops work the same trick.

I give it 5 weeks max before this thread morphs into an initially idle thought about what a 555PS would bring to the party, then the p/x debacle then the eventual post that identifies an NDX2 + 555DR as the ultimate music machine, nothing else comes close. Aug 30th + 5 weeks = beginning of October; that’s where my tenner lies.

The dealer must rub his hands in glee every time ST looms into view, pocketful of money and desperate to spend it on something, anything, just sell me something today. No wonder he doesn’t budge on price, why would he?

I see there’s still a belief that we have a verb ‘To of’, used in conditional past tenses - “a bare NDX 2 would not of given such a huge uplift”. Nice, good to see someone blindly stumbling on through the easier bits of the language despite the correct approach being mentioned numerous times. Much like it’s still makes a guest appearance as the possesive its in various posts, disregarding the informative (to some) posts in the language thread.

October the 4th - D-Day, or in this case 555DR-Day.


I use lots of different dealers and my local deal did budge on the price, i wouldn’t of gone for it otherwise… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is it wilful, or just an affectation?

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Hmmm, I’ve been wondering about a s/h XPSDR for my nDAC…“wondering” as in, I wonder how I’d swing it past the Comptroller of Finances.


I think Stephen is sensible enough to know when to stop and enjoy the music, he has a fabulous system. There is always a SL full loom that will add wonders without the expense of a 555PS that would only be half used.


Would you just need to wait 5 weeks and make Stephen an offer for his?


That’s where we part company on our opinions tbh.

I’m off to peer at my latest nephew, have a good day all.

No, it’s called watching the pennies and sticking to a certain budget. If he hadn’t of budged then i would of continued with the rack. I couldn’t afford to do both.

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Mike we all know an upgrade just buys us a bit of time before the bug hits again! :joy::crazy_face:


Maybe popeye but i’m done with box upgrades for quite a while now. Im my system the XPS DR was the missing link, i just didn’t expect to have one so soon, but hey ho!


It’s all my fault really. If I hadn’t have negotiated the price Stephen would still be looking. Looking and wondering. It’s all come good in the end.

When you get a system that simply works, the desire to upgrade further abates. The NDX2, XPSDR, Supernait and Hicap DR seems to be one of those systems that’s ‘just right’, like Baby Bear’s bed. It’s when things are unbalanced and not just right that the desire to improve or change rears its little head.


Yes it has Nigel and thank you very much to you sir. :+1:


I’ve probably reached the SN3 and Neat Motive’s end stops. To upgrade now will be substantial. Something like a NAC 282 - NAP200 minimum. Then there’s the speakers. No thanks. I’m happy here. This will probably be my last ever system and i’m very happy i’ve made it happen, even if quicker than anticipated.

Thanks to everyone here who have helped out with their top class advice and to help navigate me down this chosen path. It’s been very much appreciated. I guess i can get on with my life now and enjoy the music. Phew!

Happy listening everyone! :+1: