Xps dr

Stephen, stop reading this forum , for your mental health.
Sometimes I feel the forum more commercially offensive than a shop dealer :rofl::rofl:




Been there, done it and wore the hairshirt.

Take up gardening instead

Come on, Stephen has only recently upgraded to the SN3 and is really pleased with it. The NDX2/SN3 is a great setup with or without power supplies and it would be potty to trade in something almost new. It’s probably not even fully run in.


I like spending his money , as I haven’t got any myself.

He wouldn’t take on board a 282 anyway. I just mentally wanted to torture him!


Why on earth would you want to do that? It’s a horrible thing to even think of.

It’s a joke .

Everything gets taken literally here !

That joke isn’t funny any more.

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I give up !

I have never seen an ex-dem XPS DR at that price. It’s usually more like 20% off - if you can find them…

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Sometimes emojis can help. I confess that I understood you literally too.
As my humor is not always understood, I generally use emoji.

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I’ve just seen one for around 2k. Top cosmetics not perfect, but front seems ok.

I would use emojis - but i don’t know to use them. They always come out looking wrong?

I use an exclamation mark instead, implying playfulness.

I think Stephen’s a cool guy , with a great playful sense of humour himself , so the last thing I would do is seriously mentally torture him. I mean honestly! Emoji.

Stephen does what he feels is best for him ultimately , so good luck to him and on an earlier message I said I was looking forward to hear what he does next and enjoying his write ups.

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I’ve always been surprised at how much people (myself included) worry about the cosmetics of the top and even the bottom of Naim boxes; once they’re in a rack you can’t see this.

I really think I would buy a five year older device if it had better cosmetics. Stupid!

There is an emoji icon in the toolbar of the edit box, third one from the right, click it and you can choose them visually and even search :popcorn:

Thank you I’m going to practice.

I agree, if it’s not on the front, it’s not a problem.

On iPad keyboard, click on the earth on the left

Cheers practice makes perfect

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Did you see the email I sent you earlier?

I did the experiment you mention installing three 10mm toughened glass plates, 9 tiny silicon nitride spheres and 9 brass plumbers stop ends (see shelf isolation thread for details).

The above cost a grand total of £180.

(Much less than Mike writes above for his ball nutter solution - depending on the kiwi dollar exchange rate.)