Your Currently Played Favourite Female Vocalist or Group

The wonderful Virginia Rodrigues. You should be able to find her album Nos which is worth investigating along with Sol Negro

and my final one for your Sunday morning you tube rabbit hole…the fantastic Cesaria Evora. There is a lot to work through and even the later ones with various ‘pop’ stars and the more glossy production are wonderful.

My choice was deliberate, as well as my explanation about female vocalists, female groups above, I am one of those grumpy gits who prefer the original Fleetwood Mac. Christine Perfect was the artist I paid to see both in her solo career and with Chicken Shack. I do not enjoy the change in her later career.
@GadgetMan shows her as the same person in his list.

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How about

Saara Alto
Mandy Prior
June Tabor
Minnie Ripperton
Karen Matheson


I very much appreciate your input - thank you

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There can be a few blurred lines in grouping these, so I have tried to come up with a few loose rules to help. I’d like this Topic to be about the Female artists, and that of course would include groups with 1 or more females. So if a band has a lead singer, then Blondie becomes “Debbie Harry (Blondie)” and The Cranberries becomes “Dolores O’Riordan (The Cranberries)”. Where someone specifies a band with say two or more lead female artists, then I assume it is the harmony of those females that they enjoy, and so Fleetwood Mac stays as such. Sometimes people will pick out an artists in a group, in which case they get their own vote e.g. a mention for Christine in Fleetwood Mac would become “Christine Perfect later Christine MacVie (Chicken Shack/Fleetwood Mac)”
Of course you may prefer an artist only with a specific band, but I’m happy with the idea that the point goes to her primarily if her name was specifically mentioned by someone, or it could get very messy.

BYW, have now resolved all but one of the blanks I had - Thank you for all your input


What about Sarah Mclachlan and Jennifer Warnes.

before your vote, Sarah 2, Jennifer 3

@Antz can you please confirm which Jessie you were referring to?

Sorry just seen it on list, it an age thing! (Did I hear Specsavers mentioned?? )

@GadgetMan I must slow down on typing it’s Lissie NOT Jessie

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Jolie Holland at bottom is likely Julie Holland?

I also like Belinda o’hooley

There is actually a Jolie Holland American folk/country singer so presumably thats correct.
First vote for Belinda O’Hooley

Belinda is now a duo with Tidow which is higher up your list. I would combine them :slight_smile:

Lucille was referring to B.B. Kings guitar :wink:

Do we have Shirley Manson? I like her in all her incarnations (goodbye Mr mackenzie, angelfish and Garbage).
Can I give Lucinda some more points too ha ha, she is by far my most played female, including DVD (which is properly filmed as you can (sorta) see what chords she plays).

What about ABBA? I start to like them in my old age

I’ve always thought Abba have been under appreciated. Great song writing but always sung by them in a pop style. Listen to the words and some of the most emotional deep poetic stuff in there. I must look for some covers by non pop singers.


Your choice. If your favourite is Belinda, then she probably deserves a vote in her own right. If you see her as part of the Duo, then best combined.

No, but can add her, and ABBA

No sorry, as you have already voted for her

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Is there a poll?