Your Currently Played Favourite Female Vocalist or Group

Oooh - vodka snowball! I love a snowball - I thought it was just advocaat, lime juice and lemonade. How is yours made!

Nice set up by the way (to keep it on thread!)

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@ClaudeP great choice, love her. She is actually performing live in Kansas City from time to time. Haven’t rolled the dice yet. But if I were in my 20’s or 30’s …,

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Without wishing to intrude into your conversation, mine are, as you say, advocaat, lime juice and lemonade … but done over a wee brandy base …yum … speaking of which …

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Since time immemorial, I’ve always made Snowballs with vodka - came as a surprise to realise that most don’t! My “recipe” is three fingers vodka ( I like Stoli), three fingers Advocaat, top up R Whites lemonade with lemon zest, sliced lemon and plenty of good ice. Stirred.

But… I’ve just read of a Cognac variant (similar to @dave-marshall) - gonna try that!


One we’ve discovered recently with a great voice is

Saara Alto

Crikey - three fingers of vodka! Unless you’re making it in a test tube that is going to be lethal.
Apologies for thread drift

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Remember the old adage about cocktails:

Drink it while its still laughing at you!

Ne’er a truer word spoken!

“I like to have a Martini,
Two at the very most,
After three I’m under the table,
After four I’m under my host. “

Dorothy Parker


The first time I had a proper Dry Martini, was after a very good Manhattan that my ( new to cocktails) friend passed up…whooooo boy! Was I sunk!



That’s the problem with cocktails - one isn’t enough and two is too many.

HUGE apologies for thread drift (but we are discussing Xmas cocktails)

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I liked Nigella’s remark after a few sips of a potent cocktail the other night that she felt ‘…all lit up inside’.

Captures it perfectly ime.



Jenny Haan from Babe Ruth was singing in a blues rock band in Oxfordshire a couple of years back. Still has an an amazing voice


Florence Welch seems to be missing from the list.

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Also as the late great, Terry Wogan described "three plain and ordinary Irish Girls. the Corrs sisters.

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Remember seeing Babe Ruth at St Albans City Hall in the 70s during my early teens. Jenny Haan and Sonja Kristina (Curved Air) had a certain effect on teenage boys’ hormones…! :flushed:

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Can’t believe I missed off skunk anansie, Alanis Morrisette and Helen Watson who no-one else seems to have heard of despite her having a brilliant voice

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Saw them live, they were very far from plain!

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I just mixed a Snowball with Cognac…

mmmm, nice!




Petra Magoni

Joni Mitchell

Patricia Barber

Madeleine Peyroux

Beady Belle

Heidi Happy

Annie Lennox

Lorraine McIntosh

Silje Nergaard

in no specific order…