Your Song/Track of the Day

Public Service Broadcasting - People, Lets Dance


@Cmax People, Lets Dance - my choice back in June 2021 ! :+1:

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Chip Wickham Snake Eyes


@GeoffC you have a great track record in picking Track of the Day :+1: and jogging the old memory cells.


Thank you very much @Cmax for the compliment.

In the absence of @Debs very regular music related birthday posts in the listening thread (I think she’s a bit too busy these days, as it does require a daily commitment), your addition of the historical anniversary information of some of the recordings you post has been most welcome. :+1:


Thank you, I have missed @Debs music related birthday posts, I wasn’t sure if people thought it was overkill on my part posting the historical anniversary information, personally it jogs the old memory cells, and its surprising where you can end up in your musical past.


Warren Wolf Grand Central


Billie Jean - Michael Jackson cover (Calum Graham)

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Michael Franks Doctor Sax


Flash In The Night (Secret Service)

Fabulous guitar sound and so rythmic with the percussion sound and sleezy lyrics


Tim Buckley’s last record before he OD’d.

I have his seven studio LPs in a slip cover, issued by Elektra five or six years ago, which is well worth seeking out, if it’s still available (from Amazon in the USA, in my case).


Garry I have noticed your birthday posts and information on the artist - album in what are you listening to.
Great reading it as always and does send you back to different decades in your life.I really liked your Pink Floyd The Wall and the information about it you posted …wow it certainly did well in the States number 1 for ages.
It sent me back to when I was 15 in 1980 and I remember getting my copy…my school mates and how we all had it and would play it alot.

A real joy reading what you post as background.

Wishing you a good day and week

Cheers Ian


Ian, Thank You, Good to hear you enjoy the background, a very nice thing to say and has made my day.

Cheers Gary

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Like wise thanks for your kind words.
This forum has got to be the most civilised friendly place for crazy music loving people like us.The music room is an absolute joy sharing what we are listening to and the camaraderie. I liken it to going into a record shop and going through the racks looking at vinyl or CDs and little pushes you get like I got yesterday from Charles with his Fall posts and you think haven’t played any for ages and you do .

Hifi corner I dip into occasionally but it seems to me all about equipment and TBH I find it a bit boring but each to their own

Good sounding gear is just the icing on the cake really but its the music first and will always be for me and I am sure for you too.

@Richard.Dane as always thanks for your brilliant forum and what a friendly civilised place it is.Best forum on the net


Echo your thoughts, Thanks @Richard.Dane, for a great forum.

I love browsing the music room (even checking out previous years) the knowledge and range of music is fantastic, my own music collection has expanded quite a bit!

Its always been about enjoying the music either at home, at a gig or even in the car, it was always music first, if you liked the artiste / album it shouldn’t matter what it’s played on, no doubt other’s views on this will differ, and that’s fine, each to their own.

Lets just keep pressing the :arrow_forward: button or lowering the stylus, but most of all Enjoy.


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Joe Sample Hippies on a Corner


Williams: Marion’s Theme - From Indiana Jones OPUS Klassik 2023 (Anne-Sophie Mutter)