Your Watch & Naim

I watched the programme, which was quite disturbing. I have to think when and where I can wear my nice watches. Just another sign of a country that is broken…


Time for a good espresso!

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Intrigued! Do you mind sharing why such a specific time frame. (no problem if it is too personal to share on a public forum though!)

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Got mugged waiting for a taxi, at the time I was wearing my Rolex,

Come the ID parade, I couldn’t have picked the little swine out in a month of Sundays.

Walked up and down the line twice , went to the officer and picked out number 6.

A few months later, talking to the officer from British Transport Police who said that I was the witness he thought was unlikely to pick him out

I said I couldn’t pick him out in a month of Sundays

“Well how you pick him out?”

“ He was wearing the same jacket as when he mugged me, I picked out the jacket”

Roar of laughter at the other end of the phone. In case you are wondering he “ coughed “ to it and was sentenced to Youth Offenders. I was not notified of the trial as he was under seventeen and pleaded guilty.


I really though you were going to say you identified him by the fact he was wearing your watch :rofl:


No I was replying on Andy’s comments about wearing a Rolex , at the time I was carrying a laptop and they were the prize for muggers

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We do not wear watches :slight_smile: Far too refined for such things.

I have a friend who has some serious watches and he told me that for the last 3 or 4 years he wears a £100 watch when he goes to London. ( Which is often).


Last year I bought my son (in London) a Rolex s/s Sub as his graduation present which he politely declined saying that he’s happy with his Casio. Asked if he would like an apple watch or some other time pieces, again, it was a “no need”. Guessed he’s really attached to his Casio :rofl:


Watches seem to be worn less frequently these days. My daughter doesn’t bother (I gave her an IWC many years ago). They can get the time from their phone, and don’t see it as any more bothersome to haul it out of their pocket, turn it on and look at the time on it than looking at their wrist.
I can sort-of understand - they have a device that tells the time (far more accurately than any of my watches), and it probably seems odd to have a device that does just one job.
I just love the craftsmanship that goes into them - so all mine are mechanical, of course.


I use the Monaco at other times during the year, but I like to use it for a full month at least once, and I feel December is the most appropriate month to do so.


It is a lovely thing

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Omega Speedmaster - Blue Side of The Moon


Going OT…the watch is not mine but I would like to know what you think of it.Caliber is ETA 7001 and 6,9 mm thickness.


For interest.


Very interesting indeed.
Thank you.

It’s another take on the Gerald Genta integrated band/case design

My basic TAG Huer , it ain’t a Rolex,it ain’t an Omega , it isn’t even a Tudor , but it suits me


Yes,it is.

Nice :slightly_smiling_face:

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