Your Watch & Naim

I have been very fortunate to have established a very good relationship with everyone who works at my local AP boutique. The connection really matters and today is resulted in my taking ownership of the “Jumbo” Royal Oak (which actually is not as big as the ‘standard’ Royal Oak these days).

This is the 16202ST. Stainless steel.


Awesome timepiece, I’ve always lusted after a RO, such a versatile and enduring design. Congrats!

Very, very nice Bart.

ive got the G shock version! not quite as stylish however!

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That’s lovely, Bart. I’ll have to make do with my Zenith!


My Speedmaster was at a special place yesterday : The Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London. The home of time.

Here it is with me standing on the Prime Meridian 0 degrees longitude.


Was the watch set for GMT or BST ?


great place- my daughter just finished uni there so spent the last 3 yrs in the area

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Isn’t it five hours fast?

Apologies. Today was yesterday :man_facepalming:t2:

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It’s wonderful isn’t it? I’m actually a volunteer there and conduct talks on it’s history, how and why the Prime Meridian came to Greenwich, solving the problem of finding longitude at sea and the amazing Harrison clocks. I’m there again on 25th and 30th September if any forum members want to come up and hear the talks?


If I was still living in London I certainly would have come along @Toon

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I did suspect that……

The skyline has certainly changed. Around 1984-ish I would drive down to Greenwich, park up near the observatory (free parking), and have a wander round the town and park. Also reminds me that, coming home from work, even then, traffic through the Blackwall was often so light, you could give it the beans and use both lanes.

IIRC, my record from Powis St to E17, door to door was 22 minutes :grinning:

Just had this restored after many years of infrequent use. Keeps perfect time. Not valuable but has an interesting history for me.
My cousin (RIP) worked as a watch repairer at Garrard Regent St, in the seventies when they produced watches assembled from various components.
He built this one from spares for my Dad.
I guess it’s getting on for 50.
Have a nice round hand wound one too that my wife uses from time to time


[quote=“BigAl, post:5366, topic:4782, full:true”]

The skyline has certainly changed.

Thankfully, Inigo Jones masterful Queen’s House remains a perfect foreground.


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I agree. You can’t live in the past, and the docks had had their day, but that skyline does look depressingly dystopian…


A lot of big firms are moving out of Canary Wharf. Brexit, COVID, the Suez Canal, and WFH are all being blamed. But hotel rooms remain ridiculously priced. Citibank is turning a few floors into “hotel” space for its employees. They will love that.
Well-served by three “underground” stations, all named Canary Wharf, but not even close to each other, which confuses non-locals. Not a bad place to have a London office, though. I’ve worked in worse locations.