3 stack Fraim system

This is Naim your dealing with remember. Nothing happens quickly!

I have a Nas ,USB stick sounds better both in NDS ,NDX and nDac in my system,kindly.

Iā€™ve been thinking about evaluating downloading hi res Qobuz albums and put them on a USB stick. Itā€™s on my todo list. NDS and upnp Audirvāna is also great. I might have said it before :kissing_closed_eyes:


I am finding the connectivity between iRadio, NAS and Qobus and Spotify a breeze with ND5XS2 it makes life easy. No faffing around, all seamless. Really worthwhile move.

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Fully agree. Itā€™s a big jump in terms of lowering the pulse. Iā€™m average around 120bps but until I afford ND555 I have to compromise with health prior to sound quality :slight_smile:


Iā€™m so pleased itā€™s working, and with more to come. And donā€™t forget that itā€™s not Qobus but Qobuz.

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Thanks @HungryHalibut. Always a man of wisdom.

So with ND5XS2 you get a brightness that isnā€™t agreable. Just put CDS2 with 555PS on and its just on a different level completely. Smooth, creamy and gorgeous with playing Billy Idol Whiplash Smile.

Things are great with NDS linked to ND5XS2 will be very interested in new sound.

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I definitely need to try mine with a separate dac whether it be ndac or nds or the recently reduced chord qutest. As I definitely do notice a harshness sometimes.

I want to sort my new speakers first, hopefully that will be soon. Then Iā€™ll look into things, itā€™s a bit tricky as I want to demo first (as Iā€™m terrible at selling stuff on so I donā€™t want to risk it).

The chord would be easier as itā€™s current but I do really like the naim sound so itā€™s either a lucky trade in (it doesnā€™t seem like people are swapping their stuff for the 333 as much as I hoped :joy:), or maybe if the ndx2 second hand price drops further it might not cost a lot to swap up with trade in?

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Well now you are using just the dac in the NDS, is it possible to just use the dac and not have the board powered up?
As if you could that would probably be even better, but the NDS with the twin power supplies should be slightly better as it splits the analogue from the digital, the N dac i donā€™t think can do this? Please correct me if i am wrong.
But the N dac i feel would at best just be a sideways step, and probably a slight step backwards. I certainly wouldnā€™t swap them over.
What you really want is a very guy to come along and fit the streamer side off the ndx5 into the NDS, now that would be very nice.

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nDAC still use the internal supply for the digital side when an external XPS or 555PS is used, so itā€™s a twin power supply arrangement.


NDS should be better mate, 333 is a range below really.

Looking forward to the outcome when you get your NDS back


I have tidal and its recommendations are related to what I listen to

I went from Ndac/555 to NDS/555 and there is a definite improvement in detail and delicacy. At the time I was using a modified PC as streamer/source (more for local streaming) I now use a Melco for local streaming and Qobuz via the Melco for online streaming. The idea of using an ND5XS2 appeals but I tend to use Qobuz as a way of finding music and then download and play from local if I like something. Like you I look at the ND555 and question the expense as I listen mainly to local but would be interested if you get to do the comparison. However a second 555PS made a fundamental improvement in my system and was certainly money well spentā€¦ just sayingā€¦

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I still havenā€™t set up my 3 tier rack despite having most of the parts. Had to work tonight installing concrete lintel after wall removal a week ago. The life of a builder! Anyway, having had my 3 year old son here for the weekend I am hoping to make a start on the rack tomorrow. I will do my best on cable dressing. But I intend to decorate and refloor my lounge when I get a quiet moment in December. So can focus on that later on. I also need to cable dress my home cinema gear. There are loads of cables coiled up which are too long and a massive spagetti of cables.

Bloody nightmare to address. Be good to streamline things a bit.

The ND5XS2 is warmed in now and sounds really good even without the NDS as DAC. I am really quite surprised. I like the way it goes into standby mode as well although was a bit surprised at first as itā€™s by far the newest Naim box I have by 10 years. Itā€™s really very good and great value for money at under Ā£1800.

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Iā€™ve set up the three stack Fraim system. Waiting for NDS to come back and another Fraim shelf is on order. Cable dressing is easier overall and will be quite a few tweaks to cable dressing but the system is up.and running and sounding great!


Great work. Thatā€™s a well put together system.

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Widened the speakers out a bit


One suggestion for another day Dan, put the top shelf of the middle stack at the bottom, but leave the units in the same order. The 52 likes air around it. Try it someday. In the meantime weā€™ll done and enjoy the music.


Iā€™m with you so standard shelf at bottom and then two medium shelves above.

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