300 series now out with dealers

Sounds almost as good as my system :sunglasses:


From listening to 300 series and listening to dealers. The feeling is whilst the 300 system is very good it doesn’t eclipse the 500 system.

My dealer has recommended I replace my 135s with 300DR or a non DR 500. He didn’t recommend the 350s because he knows I buy used and am seeking the best bang for buck.

Obviously my system is mix of Olive and OC apart from 135s which are CB.

So effectively if you have full 500 series that is still the best set up.

For my ears listening to 300 series it sounds clearer and different so I think that it is still to go for if you want all new gear.

It’s all good kit. If I had the funds I would seriously consider 350s and 332 and 333 with 300 power supplies.


If audio starts and stops at the same time, I would say there’s a problem :joy:


The reality is that the 350s convey a very nice decay of notes disappearing into the ‘near silence’.


I had a lengthy demo a few days back. 332/350 was nice but - to my ears at least - no better than my current 252/SCDR/250DR. Scratched that itch. I won’t be changing.


Was that with or without the NPX300?

In my set-up the NPX was a must have as the 252DR/NC250 was better than the 332/NC250.

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For me as well, the 332/250nc was in need of the npx to better my current setup… This week I am having a home demo of the 332/350 without the npx, let’s see how that goes.

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The 332 needs the 300. Without it the 350s are kind of overkill.

At audition we liked the 332 but wouldn’t have changed from 252/SCDR (as others with this combo are commenting above). Adding the 300 lifted the 332 to a point it would be worth changing, it did let more detail through.

However, as you’ll now have heard the sound signature is quite different.

If 300 is not on the cards the 332/250 seemed the sensible pairing.


Without. Three boxes maximum for me and £26k is too rich. I listened to the NC250 in place of the 250DR. It was nice and had slightly better bass definition - however I felt it lacked weight. It was as if some smaller speakers had been connected. It was also brighter in a way that I didn’t find attractive. I did quickly listen to the 332 and 250 together before the 350’s went in and for me the weight and drive I associate with Naim all but collapsed. The 350’s restored that but ending the session with my current set up back in play showed that there was not much in it. Demo speakers were Titan 505’s in case anyone enquires. Perhaps I have cloth ears!


That is interesting. You found that the 350’s didn’t make enough of a difference to your current 250dr set up?

No - both in terms of SQ and the financial outlay (I would have needed a new phono solution as well). I think my money will be better directed towards my streamer/dac going forward - not that I feel any need to change what I have at this moment.


Are you saying that the 350s sounded better?

Depends how you define better. I think different is closer to it. In terms of enjoyment there was nothing in it.

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That’s interesting b/c to my ears the 222/555/250 easily best that OC set up. But I prefer the more musical less noise presentation of the NC.

When you listened to the NC 250 in place of the 250 dr, in what system was the NC 250?
I still wait for the new 250. Bought it blindly as I found no one, since you, to be a bit disappointed by it. I hope strongly that I hadn’t made a mistake. :crossed_fingers:

Fair point :+1: I should have said almost instantaneously :slightly_smiling_face:

If attack and release produce themselves at quite the same moment, it should give something weird, not musical at all.


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I have to politely disagree here, the 332 on its own with the 350 sounds fantastic, yes no doubt it’ll be even better with the 300 but from what I’m hearing it doesn’t need it. I couldn’t be happier with these three boxes :slightly_smiling_face:

This is a great endorsement of the new 332 if, as you and others are saying, it compares favourably (i.e. don’t feel the need to switch) with the two box 252/SCDR.

When did sensible become part of the vocabulary here?! :joy:


My 500 is so fast it plays music backwards. Beat that.


Firstly with my 252/SCDR so I could assess directly against the 250DR (as purchasing just a NC250 was one option). Then with the bare 332. Next step was meant to be adding the NPX300 but I went straight to the 350’s (as 332/350 was what I thought would be the most likely purchase). I’m sure you’ll enjoy the NC250 - it just wasn’t for me at the cost.

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