300 Series

It’s a different DAC with different off-DAC SHARC processing and a significantly different physical board layout, 3 instead of 2. I haven’t heard the 333 yet, so can’t comment about the sonic differences, but it seems internally quite different to the NDX2.


Yup, in spite of the propaganda campaign saying otherwise the NC streamers are quite a bit different than the legacy streamers.

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No, I don’t think that works either :+1: The question now goes on via he who originally wondered to CM, he should know.

Someone is spamming all the NC threads with this stuff….calling the moderator. Oh wait🤣


Here in Australia, I have my suits made by my local Taylor.

The cloth has come mainly from the UK or France. Sometimes from Italy.

I’ll bet London to a brick that the wool came from Australia. I have no idea where the mohair comes from.

Until recently the suit jackets were cut and assembled in London, and finished in Australia. The trousers were made here.

The results are superb.

It doesn’t matter where the components come from. It is the end product that counts.


Special check gets you every time….tailor

Having always thought that ‘source first’ was where the money should go, I have changed my mind, determined that the amplifier is where my money will go. From SN3 to 332/350. My NDX2 will either stay or be replaced by the 333.

The only upgrades from there would possibly be adding one or two NPX300 PSUs. However, the whole principle of PSUs doesn’t rest easy with me due to the level of redundancy if the partnering gear contains its own PSU. Obviously the NAC252/ND555/NAP300DR etc. require a separate supply so no redundancy.

The NDX2 is clearly a very fine source. I would also prioritise the amp, and your source will be all the better for it.

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I’m beginning to wonder if there will be a 500 series replacement as such.

In keeping with Naim’s drive to simplify things, I wouldn’t be surprised if the next launch replaces both 500 and Statement series.

I think that’s a good move as the SN is the weak link in your system. And you have options from there should you need them.

Indeed. My speakers have a sensitivity of 84dB all be it relatively stable so the 350 power should be fine.

I would expect the 250 be fine as well. That said it’ll be interesting to hear your impression with the OC front end and NC back end. Most NC users comment on the big noise floor drop and I wonder how much of that is from the analogue v digital side of things.

This is the bit I am intrigued to hear on a demo. To me, my NDX2/SN3 plays from ‘the dark’ so how can you notice a reduced noise floor? Certainly extra clarity may be a thing but how can you ‘hear’ reduced noise?

It’s the absence you notice in my experience. It’s remarkable with the 222/555/250. Not sure which is contributing more to it though.

You hear more info from the recording. The thing I have noticed as you reduce noise is reverb trails, a sense of space and air around the recording

Nice description - I will listen out for this.

How so? Surely you can notice a SQ difference but how can you determine how much is reduced noise floor vs DAC implementation etc.?

A lot of the Naim discussion today at Signals hifi was the new volume control……they class this as significant. But cannot be demonstrated, the component is the sum of its parts.

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All I can say is the notes of the instruments appear from a more vast space of quiet (ie more blackness), the instruments sound more realistic in space and timing. It’s something you have to experience for yourself. I can’t say what specifically is contributing to the improvement as I’ve indicated. Some members are attributing the improvement to the 250 but I don’t think those comments are coming from a technical understanding imo.