300 Series

Before you got the NC250, did you have a 250DR?

Also, did you get your NACA5 cryo-ed by AV Options?

A reduced noise flow just makes everything better, much easier to follow the music as well.
Once you hear it you will know exactly what it is, as it like all things, you can go through life very happy believing this and that is as good as it gets. But then you get to experience something better and it all changes as you will definitely hear things you have near before, and re vist all your music to hear the music.
Power supplies have been the way that naim has tried to lower the noise flow, but with the new kit you are already starting at a much lower noise floor even without a power supply, and so i guess the gains from the extra power supppy now is being had by separation off the power rails so each individual section now gets power separate from the rest. Reducing cross talk between channels.
Itā€™s interesting to read how more are saying that adding the 300 power supply made little difference or even they couldnā€™t tell, this also shows how far naim has come with noise floor in the new kit over the old.


I have heard of NAITs being given the cryo treatment by AV Options, but never NACA 5.

Its all very interesting,

NC250 = better than 300dr but worse then 500dr
NC350 = better than 300dr but worse than 500dr
not heard the new stuff but im in the old classic camp, i think people got a bit excited when the 200 series came out,

i think its more likely the new stuff sounds different but quality wise is

NC250 = better technically than 250 dr which would be correct
NC350 = better technically than 300dr which would be correct
NAP500dr still the daddy (whos the daddy)


Have you heard any new classic components?

No im just reading what people are saying on here mateā€¦popcorn in hand and listening to classic

I think there is no NC better than OC and OC better than NC in a new hierarchy that I see some people are trying to ā€œstructureā€ and even keep repeating here to make it sound more true? :slight_smile:
300DR is likely better than the 250DR and worse than 500DR (if one needs more amp for their system) and thatā€™s about it, the NC is to me quite different in character and compares on its own
The rest is preference, value for money musings and purchase justification either way:)
ā€¦ I now clearly know where my preference is.


This is it mate, i do think new classic has a new sound signatureā€¦more like statement, same designer etc.

its all just preference to what people like but technically speaking a 350 new classic is not a 500dr, like a new classic 250 is not a 300 dr

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Not according to @HungryHalibut!

must admit i love my 300dr, its so good


Thatā€™s all that matters in the end.

If it makes your music rock, itā€™s doing its job.


always mate

Yup, 250DR previously and NACA5 cryo treated.

So even the 250 dr is no worse than 250 NC , just different ?

i would imagine its better but its priced higher, it will sound like its priced mate

I have no problem saying the 250NC is better than the DR. I prefer the 250 to the 300DR as well though that is more about preference than better.

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Even if we say that overall the NC as a generation is more evolved and advanced technically, better is what everyone chooses, right? In my case the NC250 is both different and better but I think if someone prefers a ā€œbiggerā€ slightly softer sound I can see how they may not agree on the ā€œbetterā€ part for them?

What I mostly meant is that the NC and OC are designed and engineered to sound different and comparing directly to try and ā€œline them upā€ is confusing.

As far as I am concerned, I would honestly take the NC250 over the 500DR, so itā€™s again different and better, to me:) - in a similar way to why I might choose a Naim amp over a more expensive or ā€œhigher levelā€ amp from another brand.

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Good to hear @Dunc , your explanation is very good because I could not understand other peopleā€™s description of ā€˜the sound coming from an inky blacknessā€™ - mine does that now. I cannot hear any background noise, just the music.

Your explanation makes sense that the effect of the lower noise floor is that details will be more readily discernible.

I accept that the separate power supplies may allow even more insight but a step too far for me. 333/332/350 is as far as I wish to go which is four boxes but if the NDX2 holds its own against the 333 then I may consider adding a 300 to the NDX2 rather than getting the 333 but that is 5 boxes!

From what I have heard of 300 series which was not run in and in a room that was not best set up is this:

Low noise floor. So no noise or hiss in quiet points. Crystal clear sound. Detailed imaging and holographic detail. It sounds very very good. That was a 332 with 333 with NPX300 and 2 x 350s into high end PMC speakers.

Now I am.listening to my system more I am able to make more comparisons.

I have a 52 Supercap 2 2 x 135s, CDS2 XPS2, NDS 555PS, LP12. It sounds great, magical with Sopra 2 speakers.

Things have moved on and I am experiencing a warm sound. The modern way is a clearer presentation with more detail and it looks like the new NC power amps have more power too.

Very interesting times. My wallet canā€™t afford the new kit upgrades. I am very happy with what I have. But if I did have the funds the new 300 series would appeal. It is not comparable to classic really. It seems totally different to me.

Give things space and time and see how things pan out.

I think Naim have thought things through and are looking at a future infrastructure with their amplification and power supplies.

As a company they need to see how this is received and If they will produce more product lines that will depend on the 200 and 300 series success.

Difficult market. conditions right now but I rather like the 300 series.

Olive, Chrome Bumper and Classic systems are still fantastic. But different. This is a process of evolution and some will prefer a different sound.


steviebeeā€™s daft question of the day:

if noise is lessened to ā€˜inkyā€™ levels so that more in the groove is coming through, does that include more noticeable scratches, pops etc?