300 Series

i believe there were dealer presentations with naim staff attending at both dna and the audiobarn yesterday did anyone go?

Iā€™m currently looking at watches for my sonā€™s 18th. Read your post and thought Oh, I havenā€™t heard of that brand before. I quickly checked their website and closed it with the same haste as soon as I saw the prices. Thanks, @Paul52135 . The Seiko Prospex Sumo is now on the shortlist.

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Take a look at Christopher ward :wink:


The Moonswatch from Swatch is relatively inexpensive and a modern take on the original. The moon mission version is based on the original design. Supplies are limited unfortunately.


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Are there any 300 threads where I can see comments on the 300 series? :wink:


Well said Nigel. I agree 100%

Ā« 300 series now out of with dealers Ā« .

Thank you @frenchrooster but it was a sarcastic comment meant to gently ask people to include comments about the 300 series in this thread! :grinning:

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Any units that are out are likely just starting to get run in. My NC kit sounded great out of the box but really took off after 48 hours.

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You havenā€™t heard anything yet. It really kicks in at 6 weeks and opens up even further as it beds in

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I listened to the new 300 on saturday. Pre-amp + monoblocks + streamer but without the power supply. I didnt have a great deal of time with it only a few songs and there was no AB comparisons in the room.

Lots of detail, lots of power. A different presentation to what I am used to. I think I would be able to enjoy it but it would take some getting used to. London Grammar sounded very nice as did Tool. Dealer is very impressed with it.

I listened to a 200 system in a different room and a high spec Linn. I dont like Linn never have done, the demo confirmed this. The 200 series did not float my boat, my current home system comfortably out performs it. Usual caveats apply.


Donā€™t sound like a 500 beater then?

@Dan_M Ive not heard a 500 system so its hard to commentā€¦. (Other than the PS I have attached to my NDX2). The presentation is different to what im used to.

I was very surprised I didnt like the 200ā€™s. I am not agreeing with those that say 200 series is above top end ā€œoldā€ classic kit.


Apologies for not reporting my impressions of the 300 series today but I got caught up in home making stuff. I will try tomorrow but @frenchrooster, there will be no smoke and mirrors.

Here is my teaser:



Dogā€™s aā€¦ā€¦e?


I canā€™t unsee it now :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Everything is subjective and an opinionā€¦

Neither are any of the dealers Iā€™ve spoken to saying this. The initial hyperbole is being replaced by objective opinions such as yours (and others like @Ryder35) based on listening tests against peopleā€™s current systems. That is not to say the 222 isnā€™t very good indeed as a single box system, it is. The 250 is the star of the 200 series, that is a unanimous opinion it seems.

As for the 300 series, well two weeks back we were told we ā€œneededā€ the 350s :joy::joy::joy: Very good indeed, as is the 332 we were told. But again the amp is the star of the series was the view from that session.

Dealer advice to us (based on current system):
We really ā€œneedā€ 350s (but also new speakers)
We might at some point choose to move to a 332
We donā€™t need 333 (since we only use as transport)

That is good solid advice from a dealer who has helped construct our current system and knows naim inside out.

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I like watches from Zenith



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It sounds like you can be happy that youā€™re content with your kit and wonā€™t be tempted to spend money on the NC. There were a handful of holdouts who didnā€™t like the old classic when it replaced the olive. The NC has reminded me what Iā€™ve been missing all these years and happy to have the option. I never thought Iā€™d be in a place where Iā€™m considering throwing more money at Naim. Good times.