350 - No Sound from Left Amp

It could well be, it’s hard to tell, the fact that the problem moved to the right channel after swapping the amps over seemed to indicate it was one of the amps :person_shrugging:

The cable is a 3.5mm optical, nothing special really, can’t see one on Chinazon and with the dealer/Naim pretty much closed for the holidays I’ll just wait until the new year.

I have just switched the pre over to “instant on”, now that I know how to put it into full standby. The 300 series has two standby modes, a press of the standby button puts it into “standby with instant on” which just turns off the logo leaving the box fully powered. A long press of the button puts it into full standby with the box powered off, in this mode it’s safe to unplug from the mains. I’ve yet to try this.

Thanks for the suggestions, does help to talk things through.

Sorry if I’m being thick, but how do you know the amp is in full standby and not just instant on?

Honestly I have no idea, the logo is off in both standby modes

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Should just qualify that the above is when the boxes are set to “instant on”. Auto standby is more simple, a press of the standby button puts it into full standby. This is why I’ve kept my boxes in the default mode until now.

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@Mark63 : did you check when one of the channels dropped out if this was also the case when using the headphones out on the 332? If that is the case wouldn’t that suggest it is a pre amp issue?

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@Daan no I didn’t think to try that … good idea, thanks … if it happens again I will.

Since using the reset button it hasn’t completely cut out to the point where a power cycle is needed, there was one point when that same channel dropped out for a second or two and then came back. That happened a second time shortly afterwards.

I hope I’m not jinxing it by saying this, but I’ve not had a problem for three days now and I’ve been listening a lot, especially yesterday and today, all sorts of volumes, letting it go into standby, with and without the automation cables etc


Hope so too! Enjoy the music!

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Hope you get to the bottom of this. There again, IME, all Naim kit, in purely sound terms, benefits from being left switched (fully) on 24/7. OK, not great eco-wise.


Have you tried a 332 reset?


Thanks @HappyListener, I’m sure it’ll get resolved after the holidays, dealer has been great.

I agree, I always had my previous system switched on 24/7, however one of the attractions of the new boxes was the standby mode that keeps critical audio circuits powered up. Seemed like a good compromise, during the week there’s 18 hours a day where the system isn’t being used and it just feels wasteful even if the power usage isn’t huge. I work from home so I can just come down and wake it before I finish, by the time we’ve eaten in the evening it should be warmed up enough.

I have all the boxes set to instant on now (due to the annoying AV bypass issue), last night I just put them into full standby manually. It’s been an hour or so since I woke them up and it’s sounding good to me!

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@Peppo62 no I haven’t but will try that if I get the problem again … had been focusing on the power amp so hadn’t thought of that! Cheers

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You’re welcome.

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do you know for sure this is the case for the new 200 and 300 series?

While I do use AV bypass, I’m not aware of having an annoying AV bypass issue. What am I missing?

It’s an open question with the NC kit. I stand to be corrected but ‘standby mode’ doesn’t appear to keep the transformers powered up and thereby warm. Take a 332, it’s cited typical use power consumption is 20w, whereas the standby mode = 2w.

The 350 is 24w at idle and only <0.5w on standby.

On this basis, it strikes me the standby settings in Naim usage language are almost ‘cold starts’ — and we all know about the famed Naim warm-up timelines :grin:

I think it’s well known and has been explained by Naim several times, that the standby capability is there for regulatory compliance reasons and while you can use it if you want to, it is going to take a while to warm up each time you come out of standby.

It’s only if you have “Auto Standby” enabled, since it bypasses the pre it goes into standby 20 mins into watching a film :roll_eyes:
Spoke to Naim tech support and he was quite surprised and said it sounded like an oversight and would raise it internally.
All it would take is to disable the music sensing when using the AV input with bypass turned on.

I presume that it is legal reasons that forced Naim to do a standby mode and with a switch mode power supply !?

I believe EU diktats, same with TVs and other electricals. Wholly logical, but not good for stuff like hi-fi kit with larger transformers, which benefit from being left switched-on, as do many capacitors.

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The extra 1.5 watts for the 332 is probably for the audio circuits it keeps powered up, the 350s won’t have as much … seems logical anyway :slightly_smiling_face: