350 - No Sound from Left Amp

No my preferred wording.

But… YMMV… :expressionless:


It all is logical – but if you are utilising the standby-mode instead of leaving the kit on 24/7, the performance will be severely curtailed if previous experiences with Naim kit is anything to go by. And as @davidhendon has detailed, the standby mode is a regulatory diktat nowadays.

IME, cold kit sounds very alive and detailed but bass-lite.


I agree it does, and I understand it’s there for regulatory reasons but at least they have made efforts to keep as much powered up as possible to hopefully reduce the time for everything to come back on song … maybe I’ll end up powering it up in my lunch break :slightly_smiling_face:

PS your avatar … hoping that film is on over the holidays, one of my favourites … positive waves :slightly_smiling_face:


Ah OK, I have auto standby set to ‘never’. I must admit I haven’t got around to learning the differences between instant on and auto standby.

@clog This post indicates that the power amps should be going into standby without the cable connected, which is what I was expecting.

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The 333 is controlling everything in your case, I just have the hardware switches on the rear.

Sometimes illogical, like the lower powered vacuums you have to use twice as long for the same effect


Hi, just wondering if the issue of one of the channels cutting out has been resolved?

Hi, will be speaking to them tomorrow, have had two or three drop outs since I spoke to them last, sorted by going into and then out of standby. Hopefully it’ll be sorted soon. Cheers.

A forum member ‘Cheekymonkey’ had the same problems with his NSC 222.After the link plugs were replaced,it was solved.There seems to be a bad badge link plugs.

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Ah that’s interesting, thank you.

I had the same thing with my 222 during the vtuner troubles.After I did a factory reset(twice),everything worked again.I reported this to my dealer and to Naim in the UK.

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I’ve not tried a reset on the pre, everything seemed to be pointing to one of the power amps, but who knows … shouldn’t need to be faffing around trying different things, I’m sure my dealer will get it sorted. Just the holiday shutdown (dealer, Naim and myself!) has delayed things.

Of course.Good luck

Thanks, I will pass on that on to them, useful info, cheers.

The 350’s are going to be swapped for new ones. If it turns out it was the 332 then they’ll swap that.
Thank you Naim, and my dealer :+1:


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