500 series replacement imminent?

Oh my. Best make sure you make your own enquires then so you are prepared for whatever you are planning :+1:


Most of Naim’s product launches seem to arrive a year or two later than planned, including the current Uniti and New Classic ranges, so debating the release date of any hypothetical new products seems pretty pointless to me.

Well I would if only I had access to the insider information that you seem to have access to.

Well if you were to use Naims new website as a guide you’d be thinking the 500 replacement will have a base similar to the Uniti range. :grin:

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Although maybe often the case, I’m not convinced it is always inevitably that way round. Indeed, while Naim have from time to time referred to trickle down benefits from top models (I think notably said re Statement), in the Ovator S800 white paper they say: Many hi-fi companies have a ‘top-down’ approach to product development, where a flagship model is developed first and its technology spun-off down-range. At Naim we have found that a ‘middle out’ approach can be just as effective, in which the lessons learnt from developing an initial mid-range product can be applied to both lower-cost alternatives and range-topping models that maximise the performance potential.

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The S800 was also a long time ago.
I still stand by what i said really.
We all know that the 500 range is very old design these day’s, yes it still sounds ok but it has lot’s off wriggle room going forward.
Dac’s have move on massively, it’s naim fault that they stuck with the same old dac chip for so long, yes it’s good but they also knew they wouldn’t be around, and now have a big catch up to do.
The 552 could have been inpoved 10 years ago just by fitting the relay volume, so could easily be inpoved now.
The 500dr is really the one that can still tread water really these days.

Obviously all my own views

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If the 500 series replacement was imminent, they would not bother to sell the 500 series with a white logo.
Or maybe it’s a kind of trap in order to sell the most 552 and 500 dr before the replacement.
I would more bet on the former, but who knows.

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The last conversation I had about new releases was with my dealer. He stated that the next 500 kit should be three years from now. The only reason why historically I was given some details about new releases was because I was having so many issues with the Solstice and liaised with a couple of high up guys at HQ. I asked the questions, they answered and I passed that info on to you guys on the forum with best intent. Ironically the thing you are having a dig at me about hasn’t done me any favours so now I will just get my info through my dealer.

But it’s all very foggy. I’m semi interested in the Statement Streamer which was planned to be released next year. When I asked my dealer about that he replied “everyone that I ask doesn’t know anything”. That’s scheduled to be released before any new 500 kit so I think as Richard Dane suggests we best all just wait for the official word.


Honesty I dont see why naim need to change the 500 to white light , they are good with the green light . Changing to white light doesn’t change anything , only cosmetic :thinking:

I do agree… let’s just wait. It’s a matter of time , meanwhile let’s just enjoy whatever kits we have. :wink:


Haha. In my workplace, there is no such things as rumours only “trumours” .

But I think imagining a 500 series monoblock doesn’t really require a rumour at all. Logically, it would be odd for Naim’s longer term power amp roadmap to intentionally be stereo (250) > monoblock (300) > stereo (500) > monoblock (S1). Of course that doesn’t mean that lineup isn’t impossible but reasonably thinking people would understand it to be less likely.

Presumably to make it match, for anyone buying it now together with other new kit

Oh the white light makes it sound so much better! I think Naim tried a number of shades, with blue making the sound seem faster and more urgent but reduced the PRAT and yellow light where the music sounded like it just went down the toilet…

I’ll be going now!


Perhaps so … in this case naim should also change SN3 to whit light cos it’s still under production too :muscle:t2:


Pic from naim website

See what I meant ? It’s like so left out (SN3) :thinking:

On the Frensh version, SN3 is still in the list, with the 5SI and XS3


Slightly off topic but had a look at the specs for the 552 on the website and quite amazed that it is listed as 314 KG in weight but no depth measurement, assume it’s the same as the other full size boxes.
