500 series replacement imminent?

It’s a data field lift issue (or a keying issue?), as one of the dimensions = 314mm.

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I thought was much, as it exceeds the specs for putting it on Naim Fraim…

Would be equivalent to putting (full) Statement on a Fraim :scream:

+1 here for interest in that new thread @Cohen1263 :+1:


Naim said when they announced the 500 white light that other products would change later.

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Great… That’s family :wink:

Anything can be improved upon. When designing and manufacturing a product there are many compromises and design choices that are considered unless of course it’s a blue sky design which the statement is.

I find the idea that the new 500 series (which will be built to a budget) will be as good as a statement to be laughable. Any person who considers the development of the statement will understand the R&D that went into it.

I’m sure the 500 series is under development but the conviction with which you say it is already completed is naive.

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Well Munich High End is around the corner. Maybe time for the integrateds to move into the new design? (Even though historical data points to 6-year refresh cycle, i.e. 2025 for next generation).

Not sure about that cycle, as the Nait 5i and XS original design originate longer back in time.
The new Nait 100 at Munich could be nice, Dare I believe its going to be more expensive than Nait 50 ?
Exiting what future there’s for SuperNait, now in its third generation.

Well as i said right from the start, it’s what i think, and yours it what you think and nothing more.
But to think naim design team are sitting round a table trying to work out how they are going to do this is naive in my eyes. It will have all been sorted a long time ago i am convinced.

But as said no one really knows on here do they? It’s all a guessing game.
But i certainly wouldn’t be buying any new 500 kit now unless it was heavy discounted and even then it’s questionable. would you ?


Historical data points? Naim?

Random selection and finance/investment/sales figures more likely.

Why are you convinced that it has been sorted a long time ago ?
On what basis Dunc?

Perhaps they have a difficulty to improve and going too close to the Statements, at near 1/4 the price, so selling Statements would then be compromised ?
Some say the S1 / 500 dr is not so far from full Statements. The 500 dr replacement won’t be more expensive, logically, than 30/40 k.

So maybe the idea is first to improve considerably the Statements, and produce a Statement streamer. The Statements are from 2014 now.
All that may take time.

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So en all the discussion here and some other threads , naim will be super super busy for the next 5 years or more :laughing:

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Given *

As said, just my thoughts on it all.

Naim wouldn’t have been doing nothing for well over a decade on the 500 replacement.
If you think they have only just started working on it’s replacement then, sorry i think you are being very gullible.
As for the statement then that again is over a decade old these day’s, and isn’t really a statement these day’s, and if they can’t match it at least with the new 500 kit then really the new 500 range has failed is my view on it all.

Er, apart from the fact that Statements have PS capabilities which simply cannot be replicated in a smaller 500 package, and the costs of materials have escalated so much (hence Statement price increases), such that delivering a new 500 at a certain price point could be a material challenge. There’s far more involved than simply designing new kit.


Naim should be paying more attention to what other companies are doing and the value they’re providing rather than worrying about trying to keep Statement above their other product lines in performance. Thinking that way would hold the company back. I believe some people ignore the fact that other brands exist and Naim isn’t running a monopoly.

I agree with Dunc that anyone who is considering buying the 500 series now at anywhere near full MSRP wouldn’t be making a wise purchasing decision no matter when the new series planned release date is.


Other manufacturers seem able to do it ok.
Maybe naim need to look at how others are doing it?
These day’s you can get excellent sounding dac’s far cheaper than you could just a few years ago. Things move on.
Also if you think it costs double to make a statement these day’s in manufacturing costs then again i think you are being very optimistic.
No R &D costs etc, just copy the last one.

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But, amplifier tech hasn’t been advancing in line with chip-based tech like DACs, where things continue to advance apace (as you say).

One might expect Statement mk2? at some stage…with mk1 units offered for upgrade?

It’s all speculation.

No but it’s far easier and cheaper to design a great amplifier these days than it was 30 years ago.
I feel most off you guys forget how old the design is, and has just been felted rather than re designed over the years.

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