500DR system salvation

Not at my age! Inside the kiln, basically the top of the chimney. Now a bedroom with a very high ceiling.

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We call these kind of houses « chateaux « here. ( castle).
Your Kudos are surely very lucky in such a space.


The Gaia Is are now installed with the help of a mate.

Sound is totally different. Like Wow! Everything sounds alot clearer and wider soundstage.

I had to put speakers on their side and partially loosen the plinth in order to get the original spikes removed feom the plinth. Once this is done it is easy to fit the Gaia Is then levelled them out. And then put logos on front or 180 degrees to the rear.


New look.


Put a ( second hand) set under my PMCs, and yes a real change in sound. Much cleaner mids at the expense of mid bass? Tweaked my sub up a bit to compensate, but much prefer the cleaner mid and top.

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Getting used them but I would say there is a lot more clarity and less bass distortion in the room. Sounds more three dimensional.

Certainly a big change in sound and separation.


Sounds like your getting the same as me then.


I found the same with Gaias on my Sopra 2s. Enjoy the upgrade!


Love your system, speakers look great
and the room superb

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I found that, together with the oft reported widening of the soundstage, I also gained a huge increase in the back to front depth as well.

Instruments seemed to be placed just where you would expect them to be.

Great piece of kit.


I need Gaias
If fine tuning was better - I would long have tried them. My tile floor is very uneven and to make the speakers non-rocking with Gaia aligned correctly is 
 very very difficult

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Its easier to level in a solid floor than a carpeted one. Bought mine second hand, but was surprised at the clarity they brought.

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Good them Gaias, ain’t they :smile:

My Briks like them too.


My floors are carpeted and uneven. They are levelled out as best I could, trying to maintain a decent thread of stud going into the plinth and the Gaia Is. Speakers are very heavy and had to loosen plinth to get the original spikes out which are built into the plinth.

Making adjustments isn’t easy and maintaining the logo forward or 180 degrees backwards. But the results are worth more than the cost of the Gaia Is.

And once the carpet spikes setltle in they won’t wobble quite as much. But I think the slight wobble is part of what the Gaia’s do with the isolation.

Installation on uneven carpeted floors is possible but not that easy!

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Very nice Mark. They are good ! :muscle:

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Having speakers that wobble don’t feel right. But, the sound is impressive.

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The Fraim wobbles as well. If you wobble it. Speakers are settling down with carpet spikes sinking in! Bit of wobble nevertheless! But they are not rocking!

Might have to have a Jah Wobble session

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Weeble Woobles spring to mind. Weeble Wobbles that don’t fall down!

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You could alway put a wooden plinth underneath them Dan.

Also, my wooden floors are very uneven. I had them sanded and re-varnished a few years ago and the guy did a pretty poor job by over sanding in many places
I gave up trying to get my Gaia’s exactly level and after a while I noticed they actually level themselves off a bit anyway with the way the isolation works :+1:

Edit - my Fraim also wobbles but only if someone walks overly heavy footed nearby it, or if I give it a slight nudge at the top (I have only ever done this to check it is solid and get reassurance mind you!).

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