
Tut tut Dan…. Shame on you


Good luck putting that genie back in the bottle :grimacing:


I might have dreamed this but I’m pretty sure I heard Dan say he was done DONE like 7 seconds ago?

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Fancy that :joy:


You are 100% right. I feel ashamed :laughing:

I messed up again. :rofl:

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I am addicted :sunglasses:

That’s another fine mess you got me into @Stu299 :joy:

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I’m blaming @Stu299. I want a 500DR. I am certifiable!

The good thing is I confessed and owned it, well almost!

Damn. I don’t own it! At least I still have money in the bank after I was outbid :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It was all that talk of spare shelf and 13 boxes being unlucky. I would have had 15 and an extra shelf or maybe extra stack of Fraim!

Only yourself to blame Dan.

Maybe there should be another group along with HiFi corner and the lounge… Let’s call it NAG ….

Naim Anonymous Group

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I bet you’re looking at ND555 up for auction. I am alright on that one!

It’s an addiction and needs dealing with empathetically Mr @anon17458420. I don’t want to be crying into my drink tonight like 500DR owners were a few weeks ago !

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Sorry I don’t do wellness massages

I’m just straight me…. Pull yourself together and exercise a bit of discipline. Just tell yourself going that extra 10mm is going to cost you an arm and a leg. It’s not worth it unless you have money to burn

I’m going to a concert next week and hopefully he is in the same form he was in Eindhoven

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I am never buying anymore hifi kit ever again.

I am never buying anymore hifi kit ever again

I will practice downgrading and end up with Nova and small speakers like @HungryHalibut

:laughing: :joy: :joy:


No disrespect mean’t at all, but believe it or not, he was one inspiration on not to go to the 500 level back in 2004. I am happy to see that he has found happiness with a simple system which I’m sure sounds great

There are many ways to feed the addiction without buying the next level of Naim gear

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So you considered the 500 series previously?

What stopped you?

The cost, a five year mortgage which was heavy monthly payments and many other priorities. It did not stop me buying loads of CDs every week. Same with LPs at charity shops and going to loads of concerts. I just learned to stop where I was


I wish I had your wisdom young man. :grinning: