552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Damn - you must be my secret therapist :rofl:
No - not secret.

But - it could be also an (small) upgrade in my system using 300dr.
If 500 is on the road I would not stopā€¦ that is sadly correct.
Others have this syndrome as well - but they are a bit more silent with than I am. :rofl:

I habe Read all the Threads and the 135 has a great reputation against 300dr. Better energy and grip. 300 more refinement.
I ecxpect the update similar to 52 ā€”> 252. I skipped 252 and would be best to skip 300 as wellā€¦ but ā€¦:joy:

It is not about the highest limit!
It is more about balance # it went a bit of balance with 606. the journey from olive to classic is a hard ride. And for this reason mike has a point with the 300 :+1:


I fear to have AUS too. No therapy discovered still, unfortunately.


Yours is milder these daysā€¦ you are not looking for the next shot the day the new item arrives šŸ«Ø


Dammit FR and dragoā€¦just get Statement and be done with all this tailchasing! :laughing:


First world problemsā€¦
Deciding if you get a 300dr for the interim time till 500 comes on pageā€¦ :drooling_face:

But waitā€¦
300dr plus SL Din-xlr could be an update over 135ā€¦ damn ā€¦ what to doā€¦ :thinking:

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Iā€™ve had so many boxes I have forgot which ones it was. For me personally it would have been boring jumping from Nait 5i to where I am now and consider done. The journey is so fun IMO and you learn a lot. Iā€™ve jumped on the next level boxes when time was right and that often meant when things turned up meaning not planned. Itā€™s more rotation now with new series released but in general waiting can mean long waiting. I got my 552 and 500 and NDS from the same seller here. I cannot remember how many 552/500 Iā€™ve seen last 10 years on my market. 3-4 maybe?

I would personally in this case skip 300 since you already have great amps and aim for 500. The 500 is magic both its visual and sonic appearance. 300 is also great but the 500 is more of everything as it should be.

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Second 555 , even not DR , but serviced, for your Nd555. :grin::thinking::money_mouth_face:

The 300DR is hardly a sideways step after 135s - been there done that; very satisfied.
I am not personally given to do the what ifā€¦understand how AUS affects others.
I had a few days demoing 606s with NAP300DR - very nice combo.
The reality drago, is that if you add a NAP500, it will mean more Fraim and pose another big ā€œwhat ifā€?
A 500DR goes extremely well with 808s from what I recall from other threads !


You are at a point where you can leave the 135s as they are. Or you can really go full throttle 500DR or 300DR.

How loud do you listen to music?
The reason why I say this is the 500DR has effortless power and grip over my speakers which the 135s couldnā€™t claim.

The 500DR is a beast. If 500DR is your final destination then there is no point getting a 300DR unless the swap price is low. Or it may be an itch you want to scratch.

Getting 300DR would be like me getting a 252 and Supercap DR. An uplift with Supercap DR. but maybe save up, wait for the big one!


You are all fine and correctā€¦
But ā€¦
300 comes with good price - no idea if it will be easy to sell with minor loss. A lot of 300 on the market - but nearly all are more expensive. And it comes together with also good price SL connect (I might keep?)
500 is the goal final destination! But it is not so easy too get as in UK. And shipping from UK is very expensive.
Now it is also fine - but a tad edgy which I assume is from 135 and a slight imbalance. 606 might work a bit better with 300 - think they were voiced together.

300 is with return window - so ā€¦ why not?

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A better amp is a better amp no matter speakers or room size or whatever. My experience.

And 500 is a better amp and will be final destination. But there is still an itch to look how the ā€œsmooth refinedā€ works agains the ā€œrough punchyā€ ā€¦ I know - 500 is all and more :slight_smile:

I remember going from 250DR to 300DR and smooth and refined is pretty correct. It is more grown up, more relaxed, more headroom, more control, more beautiful notes where 250DR is more of a youngster in comparison. 250DR maybe is more fun and ā€œhere I amā€ and 300DR more beautiful and self confident? :slight_smile:

500 is a bit of both worlds depending on when itā€™s needed. Low level listening with 500 is also extremely good. I would never have thought so.


Active is also an option with 606ā€¦

IT is - but space is totally limited!

There is a chance that I will say ā€œdamn - refinement is nice, but I miss the ass kickā€ If so - I am calm and know what I have! For this reason the return window is so important!

You can have the speakers closer the the wall with active,you gain space there.
2xNap 250 active outperforms passive Nap 135 or Nap 300 :wink:

I wouldnā€™t overthink the ā€˜refinedā€™ bit for 300DR - same is said of 252 - both boxes my experience is that they can, er, ā€˜kick assā€™ sonically when the music calls for it.

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I have all in storageā€¦

  • SNAXO (but the olive one - donā€™t know its this will fit)
  • Supercap (from 52)
  • 250 olive

Only Burndy missing.
But this will be 3 additional Boxes - is not working hereā€¦ :open_mouth:

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Think it is so.

But I really think that especially full olive is totally ass kicking.
This is the sound from the era!
But in my case the 606 is so much more kicking than SBL and 552 also brings more, that I need to know if less is more - or I will even miss something, wich is also possible as mono is mono!

I skipped last year a wonderful 500 ā€¦ non dr but so bargain - I bite in my ā€¦