552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Sounds better when the record section is muted.

Really? I have to try that some day.

Yes it does,the same with all other Naim Preā€™s that got a record section.
An upgrade for free


300dr will ship tomorrowā€¦
Maybe Friday - more likely Monday to arrive.
Currently the setup is very good with less edgy but still groovy diamond.
Today I think that I will be surprised when I the 300dr will beat 135 - but I was surprised before!


Thatā€™s great! Then you have time to put in a new flat floor :+1:

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Good - when I pay for the flight you can help me :rofl:

By the way - off topic.
I (again) have decided to sell stuff to have room to breathe ā€¦
Next chapter !

And an advertisementā€¦ā€¦:joy:. We know where to find them.

That was not my intention to advertise in any way ā€¦ sorry if I misstepped according to forum rules.
Only want to pressurize myself in doing so


I was tongue in cheek. Sorry, not my intention to put you in an uncomfortable position. But itā€™s French humour.


All fine with me - I really had no intention and also the forum rules apply for me. Thanks for reminding, especially with your kind of humor :crazy_face::smiling_face:

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Nothing wrong with saying that you are selling your gear. I have now sold my CDS2, XPS2 and 2 x 135s. These sales and other stuff I am selling has meant that my 500DR has been partially funded.

I did okay out of it.

But bought Musicworks G3 Ultra with sparkly bottom and some more internet cables.

Anyway all sounding wonderful! Living the dream with my wonderful system!

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We like humour donā€™t we :rofl:?


Itā€™s not a consistently applied rule it seems. Iā€™ve had posts edited to remove references to gear Iā€™ve been selling.

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@frenchrooster has developed the art of British black humour :sunglasses:


You canā€™t advertise. And this not what @drago is doing! But yes, have to be careful.

Iā€™m excited for you with all black classic boxes.

Look, when I replaced my 135s for 500DR I never looked back!

The 300DR has more power and should have more clarity. More Cymbiosis! Interesting times.

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The rule is strictly enforced;

No For Sale or Wanted ads! (includes free gifts, services, and loans of equipment) - this includes transparent or oblique references to equipment for sale or equipment being sought - sometimes this will be a judgement call. ALL links to, or mentions of, equipment For Sale will be moderated.

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Of course not, but as Mike said, itā€™s a black satanic humour.

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Here we goā€¦
300DR in the house

plugged it in together with SL DIN-XLRā€¦

First impression from coldā€¦

  • a bit brighter
  • smoother
  • a bit more detailed (good)
  • more togehter
  • less bass punch
  • less room

as I was not initially wowed as with 555, 552 and 606 after some songs I put the 135 back inā€¦
with 135 (135 was off for some hours - so also from cold):

  • a bit darker
  • some details are a bit more faint
  • much more room! More immersive
  • extraordinary punch in bass - overall more punch
  • deeper bass - more detailed
  • more forward sound (like it)
  • voices are more more emotional

I would say ā€¦ more Prat and foot tapping for 135.

Good that I have a return window.

CORRECT: give the 300DR some time - I will. Will switch it on to warm up - even when not connected.

But in the past my indicator was always the first songā€¦ 555,552 and 606 are not only better as their predecessors but 1st tone was wowā€¦
Here it is sidewaysā€¦ all as expected. Smoother with less PRAT and punch

All my ears - my system and my mood!
300 is wonderful and I think there is a reason it is so often used with 552 and it was used sounding 606.
But 135 is so rough and bad - like it. Could be the last olive residue