552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Diamond testing will go on tomorrow… currently diamond running good so far.

Could not resist … lol - ordered 300dr and so xlr-din (return window)
In a week the drama goes on … lol

But… have decided to sell more stuff. 72/hc/250 will go. Hdx will also…
Need space :+1:
Must get rid of the box-messy icon here :rofl:


I will be very interested to see how you get on with the 300DR. Especially going from 135s.

You could always set up two systems the SBLs with 52 and 135s. And your classic system.

Not sure if you have space for two complete Naim systems.

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Yes this would be nice, but I have no space to do so.

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Really interested as well, but deep in my hear I think the 135 will be hard to beat - we will see.

Remember that unplugging and plugging in the cables improves the sound!!

Really looking forward to 300dr.
Currently with diamond Ethernet it is really good.
A lot of 300dr on the market. Got it for for a really good price.
Prices for 300 are down as they are for the ndx2


I think it will unify your set up with all classic boxes, slight increase in power and the DR factor. I look forward to your feedback.

Tested diamond vs vodka today.
It is completely as you guys and everyone else described!
Vodka is:

  • more in the face (which is sometimes really cool)
  • more Edgy and rough (more olive?) also not bad in all times
  • more punchy!

Diamond is:

  • more relaxed
  • more nuanced and (micro)detailed
  • smoother sounding but still with prat
  • overall more involving

Like the vodka hammering the sound but in direct comparison the diamond is more grown up - for now :rofl:

Will definitely not sell vodka - excellent cable.
Good to have both


Point given - that’s the reason I went for it.
You know the 135 - they can punch - being a bit rough.
Same factor as:

  • HDX vs melco (HDX is a hidden olive one :smiling_face:) hdx is more rough - melco refined
  • 52 vs 552 (ok - here 552 has both - punch and all other)
  • vodka vs diamond (see above)
  • superline vs prefix (superline refined…)

With SBL vs 606 is was other way round. 606 is more rough.

A bit Rough must stay.

And nap500… let me guess … is both :rofl:


500DR is an amazing amp. More grip on speakers. And makes everything sound better. I love it. :heart:


Here here! I love this. Sums up my kit. “A bit rough” could do better. A 552/500 combo would be more refined. Totally agree but I like my bit of rough and although I would no doubt thoroughly enjoy the more refined sound at a price I have no doubt I will stick with what I have now.

Of course if I win the lottery or inherit……….:blush:

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A bit rough stays!
With 552 it does definitely - it has both the rough and funky and the refinement part.
I think 500 will have too.
But nevertheless it is a different game with classic than with olive.
For me it an apadtion period with all the clarity and resolution to be present at once

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Have you slotted in the 300DR yet?

It will arrive end of the week

552 and 500 doing the jazz schwing today :man_dancing::dancer: What a terrific combo :raised_hands:


Stop it :rofl:

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Look what my 552 is doing in the evening light …
Attention on the buttons light up - look familiar? :grinning: @Blackbird


Close! But I use CD in and you Tuner :wink:

Damn … do I - yes I do… cd for turntable and tuner for cd… :rofl:
Felt it being the same till you replied … getting old

One day!!!

I did my light too…is it a movement of some kind…who knows