552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

With 135 it is less polished - rough and deep. With tremendous punch … bass is better.
300 warming up as we „speak“

I don’t think Drago has looked into this option. There will be import tax but dealers have insurance for delivery.

Speak to the dealers in UK @ Drago! Get yourself a nice used 500DR!

Selling the 52 and 135s will more than pay your extra costs.

or this!haha that would be the perfect one for your 552.

as dan says, if buying from a uk dealer you shouldnt be paying the tax twice, vat should be deducted from the price your paying then added on import

Though so - but this was not the case. No exclusion of vat offered. When imported I will pay vat again and customs and shipping… too expensive.

try Henry at Tom Tom, pretty sure hes got a used nap500 aswel.

you might have to explain to him regarding vat though

I have just purchased a 552 from them…not arrived yet

It is not about the costs - I do not like to pay twice.
And customs is always a risk - not ready for this risk with holy 500

as long as the paperwork is done right you will be fine mate. the tax will be deducted from the price you pay (UK vat) then when you get customs paperwork via the currier, you would then pay the tax rate. its so you dont pay it twice

I don’t think retail should deduct VAT on used goods. If they do it by the book. So I think they make exceptions and do some clever accounting. Deducting VAT should only apply to new products. So some retail will help on this and some don’t.

If you purchase from a private person you will always pay VAT on the value the seller states on the paper work.

I already have looked in the option buying from a uk dealer

with new stuff you pay 20% on the turnover of the product. with used items you pay 20% of the gross margin.

That’s what I have been told!
For this reason a 500 can be easily plus 4k euro - vat, custom and shipping…

its incorrect mate. with used items if the dealer is vat registered they have to pay vat on the margin rather than the turnover. its an accounting thing really but that is how it works.

Its called VAT margin scheme, the reason HMRC do this is because no vat has been paid on a second hand item in the first place

Weather you can find a dealer who will do this is another story, its more paperwork for sure


Is this worth a try @Drago. Makes sense to me.

Henry has been brilliant with me, im sure he would look into it for @drago at least.

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Proper dealers in UK ship at reasonable costs because they have their own insurance.

Check in with some dealers and find out some more. Not all dealers in UK will help on this. Some are more like private sellers doing deals.

Maybe some of the main dealers will help you with a purchase. If you don’t investigate you could loose out.

Just saying worth a go?

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Please slow down and give the 300DR a chance. Set it up properly in your system and give it at least a week to come fully on tune.


Sounds like a good idea Drago :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:


Yess - it is a good idea :blush: will give the Amp a chance!


We should chat - the other app seems to have stopped working!