552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

He’s gonna get the 500DR next week :joy:

He’s just working out taxes with UK dealers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


52 and 135s will be on standby in case he wanrs to swap them back in occassionally and do AB comparison just to check he still wants the 552DR and 500DR :rofl:

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Come on - am I so crazy? :slight_smile:

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This could be the quickest turnaround of an upgrade yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well, more so I believe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is what will happen.

135s set up
300DR set up
500DR set up

All on Fraims

Then switching between 52 and 552 on above amps

6 permutations.

Have you conissdered going active ? Also.consider 3.x 250NC or 6 x 350s with 332.300NPX.

At least it’s not 20 years old. And new skins will be available to.change look of NC gear :rofl::upside_down_face:

Choose Crazy. That’s why we love you Drago :heart_eyes:


i would 100% give the 300 a week or so, its magic. but if you do get a 500dr from a uk dealer then work the tax out because you shouldnt be paying it twice mate

I love my 300dr, its a beast


I would have thought the 300DR would work better than 135s with @Drago’s system. It also has 90 watts per channel versus the 75 for the 135s. Would think it would have more bass, slam, detail and lower noise floor.

500DR will be better of course. Are you ready to take the red pill Drago?

Didn’t he just get a 552DR, or was that someone else? He has a ND555, yes?

Maybe he needs a LP12. That would be great for his upgraditis.

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let me do my thing - “I did a thing” (Jeremy Clarkson at farming TV series) :slight_smile:


Well, I can’t talk Mike. Still wanting a 552 and trying to get my LP12 to Klimax level.

I want it all as well! I have all the upgrades planned in my head!

Am just pacing things out :+1:

But we like to joke around! :rofl:


Anyway I have really been laughing about this thread. I am in hospital having some check ups and it has provided welcome relief. I think quite a few of us are crazy about our systems. Fiddling with cups, balls and cables. Moving speakers around. If you look at it from outside and the money spent people would thi k we are certifiable!

But we are in the know and look at this as perfectly normal! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It does seem crazy. I often think I’ve spent too much, but it’s my only vice and it’s to see me through the rest of my working career and retirement. Mrs Mike has even come round, being happy I get some much joy from it.

Sometimes you do have to seize the day. My dream system was a 252/300, I had ruled out the 500 series. But some really good opportunities came along, and it was time to take the plunge for myself, after all the other priorities that had been met - mortgage, cars, house renovations, retirement pot, daughters ongoing support - family always first, but finally room for a re-boot of an old hobby. Mrs Mikes years of betting cancer, and my own Melanoma certainly kicked the rest of our lives into focus.

So Carpe Diem indeed, when the time is right and responsibilities are fulfilled.


Still love the 135s. I’m having a hard time letting go of them. Currently in a cinema system.


Look the website (second life) of the Benelux Naim distributor, a “demo” NAP 500 set is available.

A demo is probably around 18/20 k euros…

Yes demo is in this range…

Someday I will be 500…
This weekend I will give the 300 a chance - even if (as in this moment) the 135 are a dream.

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If I have taken part of feeling you a bit better in hospital, it made my day.
And … guilty of all charges being crazy :crazy_face:

But … already sold some gear - 3 olive boxes and already sold a lot of my Lego. Downsizing on other sides :smiling_face:


We all make each other laugh on here. We are all a bit crazy. The hobby is fun and we have to laugh about it all sometimes.

You have an amazing system. Do it in your own time. And most importantly enjoy the music!


The strange thing is - that 135 sounds so much better than before once I heared the 300 for a moment. All in the head.

Could I buy the 500 blind?
This is the first box where I would do this as - 555 and 552 are waiting to be complete :rofl:

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I was giggling about the whole thing! It is hilarious. We banter about our aystems. I’m lookung at my cables each day, thinking I need to redress certain aspects. And you probably have additional Fraims set out to switch between amps. I am laughing again!

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