552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

I bought blind. For me it is ike twice as good as 135s if I am honest. Massive difference. Bigger than anything. I hope this helps.

Yes - I have all in additional setup for some day to come where to use them.
Went they cable box - you have no idea how much snaics I have found :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’ve bought my full system blind. No regrets here. There is a lot of experience in here. Learn who to trust and mistakes will be few :blush:



It’s the law of hi-fi. As soon as a bit of gear gets a whiff that the owner is considering an upgrade, it suddenly gets its’ act together and out performs itself.

Yes you can buy the 500dr blind.
I did just that with no regrets at all and i had a 300dr at the time.
What i will say is this. Depending on how hard your speakers are to drive will really be the defining factor in how much a difference you get to hear.
It should be just about better in all regards but the difference could be small.
As said it’s really more about your speakers and how you listen to music, ie how loud.

But better control off the speaker especially the bass will probably be what you first pick up on. But the 500dr will,certainly not be the week link in your system and see you good for many upgrades.

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One question
Is it correct, that there is no plop in the loudspeakers when turned on or off. Not when turning off - but when on all is silent

I get a plop when turning on and off.

I do too but I thought that went away with DR?

With Naim i had plop when on and also when off. No more as all Ear now.

The is very little noise with DR kit when turning the amp off. It’s not like the pre-DR thud you normally get.

Thanks - all my buddies in immediate reply - :pray::pray::pray:
With 135 there is crack when turning on and loud plop when the nap is „empty“
With 300dr silent

Currently listening to 135… not sure if I will test 300 … ok - will do.
I know - 135 is rough, but there is so much life in this.

Hmmm - is it really DR? :rofl:

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Oh yes!

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Just need the 552DR though. Like you are with 500DR I am desperate to get one :rofl:

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Yes - we are hunting towards a very similar system.
The 552 (that is the thread topic) is really a dream - I underestimated what it could do.
So much life in there…
The 300 is warming up - but first impressions… I mentioned it…

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I hope one day I can achieve my audiophile goals!

I have given it my best shot anyhow!

Let’s see what happens with our wonderful journeys! I look forward to hearing how you get on with the 300DR. You never know, it may work out well!

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i get two plops (one per speaker)on my 300dr when i switch it off, and a boinggggggg from the transformer when i switch it on. (stays on all the time anyway)


Evaluating Chat GPT skills.



By the way … got the r-com (missing when first send). Dealer send them.
Had them before and sold it.
This one is much better - buttons click perfect. Never thought I use it as it is heavy but love it