552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Are you actually going to even give the 300DR a decent go? Otherwise, why don’t you just stay with the 135’s until you can find (and afford) the 500 DR.

You looked into my mind.
I will do… will listen to it at the weekend.
The 300dr is not bad - 135 is not good.
Both are different.
300 is much more relaxed and gives a complete picture with a lot of detail.
135 is fast pumping in your face - rough and with prat overload (it’s olive).

What impresses me with 135 is the 3d sound…

But tomorrow the 300 is warm…
300 with vodka cable might be an option


135’s rocks that’s why they’re so revered :joy:.

But, if you’ve spent £££’s on more expensive Naim power amps then they’re obviously going to be much better (as long as you get the burndys and other connections hanging right):rofl::rofl::rofl:

Quickly looking through this thread has made me laugh, thank you!

I’ll now get back to listening to music.

Seriously (yes really) it’s whatever makes you happy!
But, just because it’s more expensive don’t believe it’s really better, like all things in life!
Happy listening :joy:

Come on… it’s not about better. Burndy is for the pre. And 552 is really much better than 52.
Classic has a different sound picture.
And with 500 series you get best of both worlds

It’s everyone’s choice … if expensive is better or not. In naim logic it is mostly this way.

Whatever, it really doesn’t matter :joy:

For me the icing on cake is the 552DR, a nice pairing with any NAP depending on speaker load shows how good this pre really is, having owned a 300 500 and now a 250 I ain’t looking back… music has never sounded so good.

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And 135 as well :blush:


Yep 135s too, great amps I owned a pair many years ago but not with a 552.

The 552 is the real deal and for those who own this pre there’s no more to be said…


@drago I wouldn’t overlook a serviced 500 non DR if I were you. It is after all the 135 successor at the time and the last amp Julian Vereker signed off and given your preferences I believe it might fit your taste more than a 500DR. I had the 300DR prior to my 500 non DR and the 500 non DR is so much better IMO. The 300DR could be bit lean sometimes. More laidback than say 250DR I had. But the 500 is a big box of magic indeed.


I wonder if I’ve seen your NAP500 recently?

This might also be a way. But I have already gone the dr with 555 and 552, so it is more logical to try 500dr.

As for the 300 # will start soon in hearing session.
Why the 300 when I already have 135 (similar range).
The 300dr is told to be a bit more bright and with 300dr it is all dr.
I stumbled a bit over the 606 with 555 and 52/552 being a bit dark.
So different presentation might bring the balance…

300 is brighter and slightly (very slightly) more detailed
But with the tad darker presentation comes

  • more punch
  • bass weight and detail
  • room and 3d
  • more prat

300 is a bit finer in sound - smooth and refined.
135 is less polished - punchy and sometimes it also can overdo a bit

This first impressions will be revisited soon

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I would go 500DR when you can. By all means check out the 300DR thoroughly.

But it’s like an itch that needs scratching.

Making jump to 500DR I will never look back. I loved my 135s but literally they are forgotten now. Like an ex lover who pales into insignificance with a new bolder love. Bigger, better and more beautiful! Makes me feel sad for the 135s.

The 300DR may be your bit on the side.

The 500DR is what you want. You need to take it @drago

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


…NAPs in the past few years

300 - bit on the side
500 - scratch an itch
250DR - returned to my old flame

Happy days with the current setup, sounds sublime, I’ve one last upgrade this year though just waiting for the product to be released.


Nicely describing the journey!

The key is 552DR.

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I once had a 250CB. She sailed away many moons ago. All these jilted amps. I sell them. I don’t keep them. Once gone they are a vague and distant memory :wink:

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I began letting them go.
Stunned how good the 135 (late olive) are. The 300 is a bit laid back - but so relaxing…
Still in my test setup


And a good source.

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I couldn’t afford to keep them on. The CB135s I had were lovely, but had to sell them on. Likewise so was the CDS2 and XPS2. They all had to go.

That is the best way to do! All the stuff collected robs you air to breathe
Sold some of my Lego collection - such a relief