552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

Someone once told me we carry all this stuff with us like a snail on our backs. Just keep what you need.

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You’ve distilled your system beautifully @HiFiman

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Cheers @Dan_M, I’m sat here now listening to Radiohead - House of Cards track if I close my eyes I can almost paint a picture of each band member in their Oxfordshire recording studio, magic!

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I just want to say all these Naim amps are amazing. 250s, 135s, 300s, 500s. All derivatives. It’s a personal choice. I know I rave about my 500DR but I do remember the thrill of the 250CB! Naim make great amps. And of course my 135s. Enjoy whatever you have. And of course most importantly, live your dreams.


When I had the 300 dr then 250 dr, I found these differences :

300 dr: bigger soundstage, weighter bass, more body.
250 dr: more agile, better prat, more immediate.

I found that both at my dealer place with full Naim system and at home, with my Ear pre.
The 500 dr is a big 250 dr, their signature sound is similar. But of course it will have both pros of 300 dr and 250 dr, no cons of them.


And the 135 seems to be a 250dr with wheighty bass


I wish you could hear my system now Drago. You’d love it. Listening to loud techno.

I feel like I am in a rave in the 90s.

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I am listening to tame impala

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Can’t say, never heard the 135.


the 135s - you need 2 of them :rofl::crazy_face:


I think that the Rooster would actually love the 135s. With liking the tubes. And not quite liking the 250 and 300 enough the 135s would be your go to Mr Rooster. I am not saying change anything becuase you are now done. I just think they’d be up your street!


I know. So I should write « 135s » ?


The sound I have now gives much more tones and colours and textures vs the 250dr or NC250 , then honestly, I can’t reverse back to a solid state amp.
But my dream would be to have a full 500 series in one room and a full VAC in other room.
But I won’t happen, perhaps lottery win .


I reckon what you have should sound as good as 500 system. Just different.

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Different. What I have is more 252 dr / 300 dr, but with richer and more nuanced sound.
500 series is on higher league. But still less colourful, but with more dynamics and authority and impact.

I was making fun - something you never do :rofl:

Never heared tubes - better not doing so. Think I will love them.

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Never :joy:
You got me :+1:

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If you have the possibility to try the Ear 88 pb phono one day, I doubt you won’t be amazed.
But I will not tempt you more. First is 500 dr on your plan, I know.
And you have here so many purchase pushers. My god, leave the forum for your bank account health :joy: