552 as Update over 52 with nap 135

You never have tempted me :rofl:
Yea - many pushers here ā€¦
Bought some stuff, but all were good deals also sold a lot recentlyā€¦
500 is next lookā€¦ and deeper look into 300


Never more a truer statement :joy:


If you canā€™t be happy with a ND555/552DR/300DR you are in the wrong game.

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@Mike_S Why?
What is against being happy with nd555/552/135s


Yes, thatā€™s a good option too if you prefer it, why not? Saves more spending!

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As a lot of us Mike. We want more. Only financial limits can stop us and enable the enjoyment of what we have.
I would dream and save to reach full Statements, with the best phono I could find, the SME 60 with Lyra Atlas, and the best speakers to match my room. But it wonā€™t happen. So I can relax and enjoy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


ā€¦or happy with a 552DR, DAVE, 250DR


300dr running ā€¦
Getting better !
But the initial impression remains ā€¦
Smooth and detailed with less room (my ears, my room, my head)

With 135 there is some fine detail missing.
But there is punch and space ā€¦

Reminds me of my journey where I send back a melco n10 for my old hdx, as he had more rocking sound. Life is strange.

Will not give up on 300 yet.
And will not give up on 500 :rofl:


It just shows how good those 135s are!

I was very happy with them. I said a few times on here about changing from 135s to 300DR and was always advised a sideways move. And of course I had the 52 so 135s were perfect match.

Listening to music now and the 500DR is sounding wonderful. Well, the whole system sounds great.

What a lovely way to spend a sunday afternoon! Enjoy the music guys!


your 300dr will take a week to settle down mate

with that being saidā€¦it sounds like you dont want to like it so you can get a 500dr!hahaha just get a 500, its a beast


It took a few weeks for 500DR to settle down. At times it sounded awful!

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The other thing is donā€™t keep changing the cables in and out. You have to leave it in to settle properly. It wonā€™t work right otherwise. You have to set it it up as your permanent system for a week. If you mess with cables it will never get to itā€™s proper relaxed state.


you are 100% correct dan, those burndies do like to find their own optimal position.

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Iā€™d leave it playing at least a week without changing anything.


Something true in this.
The ā€žwant 500 factorā€œ andā€¦
Journey from olive to classic.
Think I would have preferred 52 over 252 - 552 is another shelf

Currently running 135 (300 switched on) and I miss nothing.
Sometimes you need to look on the other side to know what you have.

Fully true - but my test setup with all cables hanging free on single Fraim is validated :blush:

Fully agree!
But I do have a personal rule.
The first tone must do ā€žwowā€œ ā€¦ doubts and ifs are allowed - always come later on. Itā€™s a gut rule :blush:

  • wow, so much detail in the mids, so not digital (nd555)

  • wow, so much texture and body (phoenix)

  • wow, so much punch, room and air (606)

  • wow, so much speed and timing (552)

  • hmm - ich detail als smoothness, but ā€¦ (300)

All upgrades have evolved over time - but no night and day. Best day of 552 was first day (timing) and there was a long period of improvement after that


I can relate to that. But I have also had moments of big doubt that went out the door when not touching anything in the system for a week. The mind can play some major tricks and sometimes it hides the good stuff because you already decided it is wrong which can be influenced by many factors like stress, being tired, wrong initial tracks and so on.

However, knowing what gets you going I would as before skip the 300DR and go directly for a 500 when it shows up. Iā€™m sure your 135s will perform magic till that happens.

Q: Are you keeping the SL DIN XLR?

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I think so mate, when you DO get a 500, you will still have to leave it a week or two!haha

No burndies etc with your 135 so setup will be quite different

Its all good fun

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Iā€™ve had some products that didnā€™t do the wow but then was amazing. Thing is I could hear the potential right away but it wasnā€™t wow. 252 and a Neotech 3200 power cables are 2 examples. The Hiline another one. And those products got amazing when everything was/is right.