552 preamp

Oops, doesn’t time fly! :crazy_face: Enjoy Peter


Well that really would be stretching the definition of ex-dem! Thanks for that :joy:


Just to share. I got my pre loved 552dr in early Nov 2021.

Since I moved to my new place in 2015, I have never been truly satisfied with my system in my room which is really small and acoustically challenging. Changing my 10 year old 250 to a 250dr helped but not that much. Having a klimax lp12 helped but I ended up not listening much to my nds/555dr. I tried but I guess I just didn’t manage to optimise the nds. So I ended up getting a cds3 and that helped with the digital end. But still I wasn’t as happy with the system as in my old place. Which is why I ended up with both s400 and sl2. Each of the 2 speakers gave me something I like but not everything that I want.

But this is not about the nds or s400 or SL2.

Now… I am truly happy with my system on both the analog and digital end with the 552dr in place. It has been transformational for me, particularly in this room. I really can’t point to any particular aspect of the 552, but the music just sounds right.


The 552 is just wonderful. I’ve had my newly serviced 552DR exactly a month. Maybe still a bit of running in to do but it sounds sublime paired with my 300DR. The 552 gives you more of everything. I am no longer listening for imperfections as there aren’t any. My front room has become a concert hall!


Still waiting for my 300DR to partner my 552…February I hope.



@GraemeH you will enjoy it. I have a new 552 that I got two months ago. Unfortunately it got a relay broken and now needs repair. See here. My dealer provided a spare 552 so I can enjoy listening to music. In the same “factory-repair” I gave my 300Dr with the dealer so it could get a service. They gave me a spare 250Dr. Now listening to a 552/ND555/250 system I notice how incredibly much the 300Dr always gave me. Don’t get me wrong, the current is very good, but it lacks a lot of weight comparing to the 300Dr. Hope to get it back in a good week or so. Cheers, Iver


Thank Iver…anticipation!



I have the same feedback, I was blown away when I first turned my 552 (it was a move from 282), the body of the music sounded drastically better, I expected an improvement but I was truly surprised how much of an improvement it really offers… Stunning system…

It will though highly depend on your front end, you need to have a decent front for 552 to show it’s true value…

A gem…

Funny enough, I also had a broken relay in my first 552, hats of to Naim and my reseller, they replaced the unit… I am a happy man…


@Monkey_Jim will be pleased with the above :slight_smile:


And robbing banks. That last part is the most important bit. :rofl:


Don’t demo a 500DR then. Ignorance is bliss in these situations. :wink:


Good advice @RackKit :slight_smile: … My current plan is to continue with the 300Dr at least for this year. It suites my needs very well and allows me to enjoy my relatively new ND555 and 552. Maybe I have a look into a 500Dr next year :slight_smile:



Great to hear you’re loving your 552, but sorry to hear about the relay, it seems to be a bit of a recurring theme.
Looking forward to mine arriving. I’m trying not to count the days, which is quite easy as there’s no proper delivery date set in the current situation 🥲

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Yeah, no rush. Think it was a few months before I went for 500 too. I thought the 500 had more impact than the 552 from a 252 non DR. I wouldn’t get too hung up on this talk about 'my speaker are an easy load etc, the 500 is a lot than extra power. A lot more.


Well @Monkey_Jim and @RackKit ; got a call today that my 552 is repaired and “coming home” this Friday, together with a fully serviced 300Dr. I used this repair as a moment to also service/recap the 300Dr. My distributor said I may expect quite some of that recap. Another things I am looking for is that they’ll lend me a SuperLumina Mono-din-xlr pair. I have a Morgana pair now, but they said that - given I do have SuperLumina speakercables and superlumina interconnect - a “full loom” would be beneficial.

You’ll understand that Inmade no appointments this weekend, since “listening time” :slight_smile:


That’s great news. How long was it all away in total?

It’s a little early to wish you a great weekend, but have a great weekend!


Hi IvdZ, great news and make sure to stick a lot of music through those Din-Xlrs, as they take a long time to run in. The SL cables make a lot of sense once the full loom synergy is allowed. Good move :+1:t3: Peter


The BeNeLux distributor Latham are fantastic. This Friday it is two weeks since they took the 552 and 300


I was perfectly happy with my Rega Isis & P9/Atheta with the 252/300. When the 552/500 came in I wasn’t quite so happy. A CD555 & Klimax level LP12 restored the balance. I’d definitely upgrade your sources before a 500 or you’ll be back here saying how dissatisfied you are with the pairing. They really are a great pairing. Like a decent tightrope artist says, ‘it’s all about balance’.


Well, maybe we can team up and be bank robbers so I can get my 552 and 500DR. Maybe ND555 and a few more 555PSs. All for Naim :laughing: :sunglasses: And of course whatever you need @RackKit

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