552DR/300DR incoming…

You guys are shocking :flushed:, fortunately I’ve been on the forum long enough to know the lie of the land :roll_eyes:. Well, I’ve no doubt a NAP 500 might be very nice and a good speaker such as mine will take up whatever is put up it happily. But of course, affordability is an issue, for some of us, and such an investment might arguably be better directed towards a ND555 should circumstances ever provide for such a suggestion.

Oddly enough though, I also have the little Totem Rainmakers on a Star. One of the reviews I read for those little gems was with a full 500 system.

Still, very delighted to have arrived ahead of where I intended to end.


Mike can I ask how big is the room that you have this system set up in? You elude to the fact that the Totems are all the speaker that the room allows. My room is 13.5X15.5 feet, and I can get away with Kharma DB7’s with no problems, and no need for a sub. I have also used Focal
Sopra 1’s, Peak Consult Incognito, Dynaudio
XD 600’s in this room. To me, the speakers are what makes the system shine, and is an area you could improve on before thinking about an ND555 or 500DR….IMO.

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I was kind of thinking the same. I too have a 552DR and 300DR in a fairly small room (13’ x 15’) driving Neat Ultimatum XL10s. More speaker than the room can handle? Far from it - the big Neats sound sublime and were a really big step up from the SL2s active that went before them. I’m not suggesting that the Hawks can’t capture the magic of the upgraded amplification, but I think I might be thinking speakers rather than front end upgrade if/when the funds become available


Nice one Mike, 552 is a very special bit of kit. Jaw dropping comes to mind. Im sure you know, cable dressing really important. That level of gear always reminds me of surgical instruments.
Ok, get ready for the next lot of upgrades because thats is what your in for :joy:
Not that you are asking, Id suggest stay away from the never ending rabbit hole of digital sources and concentrate on the vinyl end of it. 552 is very serious!:partying_face:


In my old house I had a much smaller room with the XD 600’s in, with room treatments they sounded incredible. I also had a pair of Taksim reference 3A’s in a 9 x 11 room, with 272/XPSDR/250 DR which was one of the best sounding systems I have owned, or heard.
Mike could also explore high end stand mounts like Raidho,Magico etc. I also seem to remember he has a BIG room with a gorgeous view upstairs.
We only want what is best for you Mike.:grin:


We do have a big open plan lounge, but I moved the main system to a downstairs media/office to use as a dedicated listening room where I get to have more time with my music. That was about 2 years ago now. The listening room is much smaller: 3.7m by 5.1m listening across the room and a low ceiling (2.05m).

The Hawks are in the lounge with the Nova and I have Totem Forest Signatures with the 552/300 in the listening room. I’ve heard the larger Totem speakers, and they need a really big area to move the air around in. The Forest are magical and I can’t see a change unless a different house was involved.

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Hah, the turntable is a 1980’s Rega Planar 3 and I have my old teenage LP collection, though it’s a passing interest these days. I’m really invested in steaming now, but don’t have any need to go anywhere further on that front either.

Congratulations Mike it seems like just yesterday you had an integrated amp. At this pace it won’t be long and they’ll be a Statement parked in between your speakers. :rofl::rofl:

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I showed Mrs Mike the new S1 that @TimOopNorth has just got. She thought it looked lovely. Then I told her how much it costs in NZ. Her jaw dropped. Then I told her how much the pair of matching S2 mono blocks are. She said, you can hear them if we visit England, but you are not buying any Naim there if we visit….


Mike, im just saying and I know you know what you like and all that…
My 1984 lp12 aro Lyra prefix K absolutely teabags the a NDS for musical enjoyment.
Seriously no teven in the same ball park.
Anyway took me years to see the light and now im an evangelistic vinyl minister.
Was a Nac 552 superline Lyra that did it to me. Sorry ill go take my pills.

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I promise to get my remaster pressing of DSOTM on and give it a whirl. It always sounded great with the 252/250. I’ve not against vinyl as such, it’s just that one rabbit hole is enough :sunglasses:. I suppose the main issue, is a big reluctance to have to buy a big bunch of records.

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Sorry mate i know ditto.
I personally have met a number of nice people since ive been into the evil black discs. Seems to be more of a fellowship when it comes to vinyl, for me it’s not such a hifi thing but more of feel from the music. Anyway sorry for the off topic posts. You must be buzzing. A couple of years ago (on behalf of a friend) i sold a 2009 DR’d nac552 and a near new 2019 (about 100 hours play time) Nap 500DR for little over $40,000 was on TM for a long while, you may remember it? The gentleman that brought it won that deal! Considering the Nap 500 was just under $50,000 new!
Enjoy your Xmas toys, i have no doubt you and Mrs Mike have worked hard for them, she is without any doubt one of the luckiest Wives in the land of the Long White Cloud, i mean who wouldn’t want a Nac552!!!
Mate you dont need a statement when you have a Nac552 imo.


I do remember that 552/500! Actually, I have your email about it, and read it again a few days ago before taking the plunge to grab the 552. You were quite enthusiastic about the difference between the 252 and 552.


Well now you know i was correct? :joy:


Whilst you are correct that the NDS didn’t in Naim’s eyes quite make the reference level the ND555 was the replacement to the NDS.

From Naim’s product history page

The NDS was also used by Naim to showcase statement despite the CD555 still being available when Statement was launched.

Back to OP though. However good the NDS is, if I owned an NDX2 I wouldn’t go back to the older platform I’d look to the future with an ND555 instead.


That’s true, the first time I heard a Statement I think it was hooked up to the NDS power by 2 ND555.


Yes, I agree. Unfortunately.


Indeed, it was the best source they had at the time so obviously that’s what they used. The exception being the CD555 of course, but they couldn’t really use that while moving out of the CD player market.

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Fortunately I missed that roadshow. The NDX2 one has cost me enough :flushed:

I remember it well. I was so worried about coming home to my lowly NAC272 that I’d never listen to it again, however to my surprise I must have forgotten (it was a 2 hour drive) cause I was still impressed by my stuff.