552DR/300DR incoming…

You try to change the subject and return to your original thread. But unfortunately for you the 500 dr is banging and banging. You should ask to close the thread :rofl:
I would not like to be at your place.


It’s okay :roll_eyes:. I was only ever going to a 300, with the 252. Just the option for the 300 and 552 was really very good. So, here we are. I could always mute my own thread, but that would a bit odd….


If any comfort I pulled out on the 500 and stayed with my lovely 300DR + 552. As always when you think about selling your products starts to shine and perform at its best. I decided to continue with the focus on source first and try finding me a 555PSDR for my NDX2 asap. The 300DR is not my system weak spot and I’ve always loved what it does. It’s a gentle giant. I will likely end up with a 500 later on and 2023 has just started. Also bit worried that something awesome might be presented soon so might be good to chill and await the news. It will most likely change things on the second handed market too.


A good decision I think. Despite my best efforts, I can’t find any limitations with the 300 DR driving my speakers effortlessly in my room. Happy days.


I’m extremely happy with my system (nearly identical to yours) - I’m sure that we’ll be happy with them despite the dire lack of a 500 :wink:

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Interested in your system profile there @JonoB. Do you use the Synology just as a Roon server, or do you also use a hard drive in combo with your Uniti Core? I run Roon on my iMac and have been comparing local streaming with the Core through Roon against direct from the Uniti Core using the Naim app, and prefer the later. I’m wondering how much having Roon on the iMac influences that?

If you do go ND555 a home demo is essential. I regularly read about people not being able to tell the difference between it and the NDS. I haven’t heard one but I doubt I’ll ever go that route. Same with my amps, the classic series is no doubt awesome but they’re not the same sound as the olives and vfm is not as great. It’s ironic that although I now have the resources to significantly move up in the Naim world, the eye of Sauron has moved. Contentment is a great thing. :blush:


The Synology is both running as a NAS for my Core (which is diskless), in addition to running Roon Core running on it (I upgraded the RAM well beyond what Synology say is possible, but it works well).

I have to say that my non-conclusive tests have suggested that I prefer the sound from the Core (playing via ethernet from a switch dedicated to the stereo) to Roon, but it wasn’t very scientific, and I suspect there’s a bit of bias in my judgement). Then again, I had an Innuos Zenith for a couple of weeks (setting it up for a friend), and despite really wanting to have a reason to get one myself, I couldn’t hear any difference from my Core. So maybe I’ve got cloth ears.

When I’ve got a bunch of time (and my wife is out) I’ll bring around a couple of audiophile friends and see if we can blind-test hear any differences.

Is your iMac running wired ethernet or wireless? And was there a bunch of network stuff between it and the streamer? My NAS is 2 switches away (NDX2 & Uniti Core on the stereo switch, which is fed (and powered) from a comms closet switch, which the NAS is connected to).

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Yes, ethernet and similar to yours. Router to first switch. From switch to 2 iMacs, and from the same switch to the EE8. EE8 to Uniti Core and the NDX2. A GroundArray is in the EE8, though I must try it in the router.

Apologies for the thread drift, you have a wonderful system and I bet it sounds amazing with your new amps.


If your current system allows you to achieve that then who cares about upgrading. You seem to have an itch which is contrary to what you are saying. Like I said don’t waste your pension pot as you will live to regret that

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All things in moderation, but fwiw I’d lean the other way. I have been to a lot of funerals and few people have as their last words “I wish I has worked on for a few more years and indulged myself less”.


Yes very good @NickofWimbledon, but experience on this forum has shown some quite irresponsible approaches where some people re-mortgage their house to be able to buy that precious 500 system, which I’m sure any reasonable person would agree is a bad idea.

I don’t know the full, but in this case to cash in a pension pot to buy a HiFi system sounds like a bad idea to me, especially if there are other things that should be prioritised, not to mention the current financial climate. Yes I’ve also been to many funerals, the last one July last year and can agree up to a point with the “we can’t take it with us” mentality, but to blow capital that has been cashed in and taxed when one is in late 50s is totally irresponsible, especially if there are still debts to pay off.

Also I think part of the problem today is that older people should take a less self centric approach and realise the potential problems they leave behind for subsequent generations. There are AFAIK examples of that on this forum where people don’t want to leave a massive 500 active system to their loved ones to sort out if they pop their clogs. Quite refreshing to hear I must say.

That said, balanced and within moderation is the right approach as you say


Not so great if the heirs have been eyeing up the wonderful system thinking how it would be great to get their hands on it for parties - only to find when the time comes there’s just a Muso, and they have to start on the hifi ladder from scratch! (Yes, I know the number who want to do that is probably very small.)

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It’s a worry that this thread turned into a financial planners forum. I don’t think anyone can say what’s best or how members should spend their money without access to their bank/super statement’s. Everyone has different values and situations, what might be a bad idea for some might be a great idea for others, you can only really give an opinion about your situation.

Thought this thread was about Mike’s great system and how he’s lucky he is to be in a position to have purchased it.


The consensus around the 552 was so striking that I was happy to buy one “blind” a few years ago, and I have no regrets that I did. It’ll likely be the last pre I buy, unless I decide to downgrade at some point.

Regarding the 72, I had one a long time ago, and I remember it being a good upgrade from my 32.5. I did that upgrade in stages, first buying a set of the so-called time-aligned boards. Anyway, while my 552 was off being DR’d, my dealer lent me an old, unserviced 72. I was bracing myself for a let-down, but instead I found it so engaging that I bought it, even though I have no immediate use for it.


Interesting Mtuttleb. I remortgaged in my early forties after unexpectedly becoming a single parent with a limited social life. Bought my current system with it and never regretted it. My son looks at it as an heirloom which is nice.

As a general rule I agree with you but there are always circumstances to encourage rule bending lol. Twenty years on, retired with essentially the same system I have successfully resisted the call of the 552. Helpfully a new mortgage is no longer an option….


Hello @stuart.ashen
I’m happy that things worked out and that you are enjoying what you have. That sounds like a healthy state to arrive at after twenty years and very similar to my situation.
It is really up to the individual to decide for themselves if they are taking unnecessary risks.


Just paid for a used 555PSDR to partner my NDX2. Will have a similar setup to you then @Mike_S (minus DR on the 552). Tomorrow we will all look at our old stuff and dream about the new :smile::see_no_evil:


That’s fantastic news. Exciting times for you and Mike !