552DR/300DR incoming…

It’s a case of once bitten twice shy!

That’s great news @Blackbird, hopefully there wasn’t too much of a gap between the 555 you sold and the one you just bought. It will interesting to see what changes in the Naim line up are announced tomorrow and if it impacts on the used market. I’ve moved on the 250 DR and a couple of spare Powerlines, but the 252/SC and SL is awaiting a new home and I could really do with recovering some of my spending :flushed:


I really cannot see Naim kit plummeting suddenly. If we look at Linn for example, they have changed the look of their kit a fair bit in recent years and I don’t see resale prices changing that much.
Let’s watch this space!
And regardless of what happens the 552 300 DR or non DR combination is awesome.

If anything prices for used Naim kit has been going up.

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I can’t honestly see used prices doing anything other than falling forproducts that have been superseded. Having said that, some people with multiple green light boxes probably won’t want to put a non-matching new box on their rack so that could well prop up used NDX2 prices for example. Especially if the replacement is much more expensive.
The 272 is old enough to have depreciated a lot, so it’s probably already at a low point as the wait for its replacement has been so long.


We might find the price points of new products make used classics desirable.


You returned to the 250 dr ? Or I miss something ?

I’ve sold the NAP 250 (moved on = sold).

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The used prices for current kit has been good in NZ, and has even moved up a bit as a result of several price increases from Naim and the new distributor (oddly, we now see regular discounts too, so it’s swings and roundabouts). I’m picking the new streamer/pre will be in the order of NZ$15,000 ($2,000 more than the NDX2). €7K has been mentioned on-line.

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Used prices in the UK have been very strong so far, no doubt partly as a result of supply shortages of new stock during a period of high demand. As household budgets continue to be squeezed everywhere I’m not sure this trend will last.


It is, but that’s what the tax free lump sum is for. Even then you should take it with a good dose of “Lagom” :wink:

Or possibly keep most of it invested?

Of course yes. To leave to my grandchildren :innocent:

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Indeed and with something properly setup then I’m sure they would very much appreciate that. Unless of course your comment was very much tongue in cheek.

Of course we should enjoy some of it ourselves :wink:

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There will be plenty left. You should Google “Lagom”. :wink:


The strict necessary. I totally agree. Why a parent should private himself from enjoying his life in order to sacrifice all for his children ?
And the contrary is true also. In some countries the children have to reverse a major part of their earnings to their parent. « Lagom « , yes.

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Well, this is the setup I’ve now got for the 552 using a used full Fraim base. Probably not the aesthetic marvel I had in mind and the interconnect only just reaches. Somehow the cherry is a different cherry, but it goes okay with the credenza. The TT could be higher, but probably won’t worry about a platform for that at the moment…

Now to the sound. Well, it’s very much better. I was starting to wonder about the raves for the 552. Now I know why, it just needed a proper support. Very detailed, refined and in control.

I’ve ordered a longer coaxial for the bluray to the NDX2, as it’s a bit on the short side. I’m getting a BNC lead at the same time to run from the Core as a trial. Still waiting for the swap of the WitchHat cable after their holiday. @Gazza, what cable to you have on your NAP 500?


Nit sure I understand the question Mike….speaker cable, or din to xlr?

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Sorry, DIN to XLR. I had SL on my 250. Off course, they don’t work on the NC250, so I’m a bit reluctant to go for the 300 version, as it won’t be future proofed.

I have the witch hat morgana.

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I read this in the 222 manual. But I’ve never seen the possibility to purchase naim frame glass shelf only. Anyone know if it is possible doing so and what the cost is? I have Frame Lite but would like to at a minimum place my 552 on a glass shelf. I have seen Solid Sounds produce something similar but not sure if that works as good as the original.

" For optimum performance, use your Naim products on a dedicated hi-fi equipment rack – ideally the Naim Fraim or Fraim Lite – to minimise vibrations that can affect sound. No room for a rack? Consider placing your NSC 222 on a Fraim glass shelf on a suitable piece of furniture, to provide solid but discreet support."