552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Spiral Tribe, Exodus, Bedlam parties were my undoing :joy:

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Very exciting mate! im looking forward to hearing what you think of how it changes over the first week or so

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Will be interesting. When 52 was serviced it was great fresh from the box. Same with 82 after service.

552DR is 2017 so hopefully a few days mate.

when i installed my 252, it was decent for the first day but lots of magic happened the more days it was left for about two weeks, im wondering if a 552 is the same. im getting mine end of this month so will give me an idea of what to expect.

It should sound epic from the start though…fingers crossed!haha

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My mate had warehouse in Shoreditch. I painted massive fluroscent rave banners. And we installed a few cages for young ladies to dance in.

Was a very cool time. Extreme highs and lows! Anyway, that was then. This is now, a world of Naim and Linn hifi equipment :rofl:

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The 500DR sounded really rough at times first few days. Then it clicked!

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It is

this i like to hear mate

I went from 252 to 552. Never heard a 52 but I’ve read it’s similar level to 252. And I thought my 252 was amazing.

The 552 was a big upgrade to my ears. Very big.


yea my 300dr was the same, bit of a bumpy ride but was still good coming from a 250dr at the time

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When first switched on I play internet radio with no volume 24/7 to speed things up when I am not around. And try to run it warm when playing.

It should be. It cost me a fair bit. I wanted a nice unit. Some out there are scratched up. This one is meant to be perfect.

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And what’s nice is it’s home installation. A first for me!

Are you going 500DR this year still Damien?

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I often get to 12 or near 1 o’clock when using the LP12, as I have the phono stage on the low gain setting :sunglasses:. Still can’t get those fans going on the 300 DR though.

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Congrats @Dan_M. So happy for you. I know I will sound like a broken record but please give it time to warm up. It takes ages.

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It’s the type of music you’re playing that gets the fans going. Heavy techno or drum n bass has incessant bass. If I play some Pink Floyd loud it won’t kick fans in normally. Will have to try it some time!

I don’t worry aboutit , I just notice that most days I play 500DR the fans are on at some point. Within a minute ot two when off the fans stop.

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Is that you Dan?