552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Thanks @khan84. I’m just gonna play it and enjoy it. It will settle down in it’s own time.

With a good initial set up, should be fine. I am sure the installer will do a great job!

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I saw them not long before Keith’s tragic death. It was a seriously loud concert. The amount of amps and cables was a dream for multi box system owners too!

I was very full on back in the day!

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I think so mate yea, the shop im getting me 552 from has a pair of Scala Utopia coming in pretty soon, just waiting for a price so think im going to do the speakers first just because of timing.

Dream system sorted then i think

I personally feel the 552 is key, it really opens up the rest of the setup. Mine is an early unit (mint) serviced and DRd in 2019 and it sounds superb. Currently listening at very low volume levels to Portishead “Dummy” and everything is there even with a 250DR as my room doesn’t require an amp with more power.

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I have never heard one mate, iv wanted one for years. sort of a Lambo picture on my wall, didnt think id be actually ever own one

Its exciting times, i love my 252 and from what i have read 552 is another level

With the release of the new NC range the OC kit is a steal on the used market, you won’t be disappointed with the 552DR. Looking at your profile I guess the SC is a none DR unit? I was never a fan of the 252 none DR, 252DR for me was a game changer but the 552DR excels ever further.

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yea its a supercap 2, was recently serviced. my system is the best i have ever owned, i have read lots of people didnt like the 252 in its none dr form but i think its brilliant. in a way when i get the 552dr, its two upgrades…which is nice

did you go from supercap 2 to dr then 552? its a logical progression

Many years ago (>16 years, I cannot remember) I borrowed a 252 none DR on extend home demo looking to replace my then 82/HC, I kept the 82! Preferred the 82 presentation, just had more drive.

252DR started years later with me adding a SCDR to a 282 which lead to the 252DR, crazy deal on my 252DR to the 552DR.

Please note I really enjoyed the 252DR but deals come up…


An interesting thread for sure.

I am at LP12 Klimax spec now and wondering whether to scratch the itch that says?……

  1. 252/SCDR → 552


  1. 300DR → 2 x 350 mono blocks

Can’t do both. Obviously, home demos would be needed.

Views or experiences appreciated.


Might just need to choose which move comes first.

I would think it has to be the 552.

As well as the up stream improvement for “source first” it will probably be less expensive now and let you pick up a pre owned 350’s when they start to be available.


Option 1 and stick with the 300s.


Some good deals on ex dem nap 350s makes that a tempting route. But most would always go sources first, hence 552. S/H prices for 300dr remain strongish, way better than 250drs, which can be picked up sub £2k.


Depends what you want to end up with.

552 DR completes your aystem.

2 x 350s starts a new one potentially as you go towards NC system. Do you then go 332 and 333 NPX?

If I was you I’d get 552 and be finished or leave the 252DR as it is.

The 350s have different presentation as well. Clearer presentation and more neutral for my ears.


Hey mate - no competition on that. All energy and best for you!

No - I am rather a passive and reactive part … but no problem, now holiday

@Dan_M Going from 3 stacks to 2 also gives the advantage of more height, so cable do not so easily touch the floor.
Think the seller of the 552 will have very best advice and will install your system with excellent knowledge :grinning:

When you got the 552 you need to hear Charlie Winston - album: square 1, Titel 1: spiral.
It’s like a speed test :joy:

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I used a 252/SCDR with a NAP 300Dr into T606s for a several years a superb combination indeed. A couple of years ago managed to do a deal on with my dealer on his ex demo 552 and it still puts a smile on my face when listening to music.

Having heard both the new 200 and 300 series I would opt for the 552 all day long paired with a 300DR it is simply stunning provided the front end can do it justice.


It would be the same height as it is, just with reduced box count by 2 (phonostage and Zoneripper NAS).

And then third stack goes. If I go higher on Fraim will reduce stability of LP12.

No gaps in shelves. That is one of the possible plans.

Will see what installer reckons. Over time with changes there have become more and more empty shelves.

Why not ask to merge the two topics this one and ‚ „I did a thing, 500 dr to come”?



hahahahaha that would be easier, going backwards n forwards here!lol

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