552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Yes, would be funny too :joy:
But as the same members are engaged with the two topics, and talking about same gear, from 52 to 552 and 135 to 500 dr, itā€™s a bit similar topic. Both, Drago and Dan, had the same original system: 52 with 135. One upgraded first to 552, the other first to 500 dr.
And in a week they will have both 552/500 dr.

But itā€™s more a joke from me of course.


But they are also two very dangerous threads, along with the LP12 onesā€¦.

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You are so predictable ā€¦. :rofl:
Made me Laugh ā€¦
It is similar But no Challenge :rofl:

Danger is my middle Name :rofl:


Well I havenā€™t heard the NC stuff but having now had the 552/300 for 5 months I can only concur. Itā€™s quite hypnotic no matter the genre, just stunning. Every time I put the radio on or play a CD or record Iā€™m utterly absorbed. But I would also add that you equally need the right speakers for the room to do it justice.


Fully agree - 552 is so phantastic! And I had a fully fresh serviced 52 which I loved head over heals.
Hope 500dr will have the same effect! :smiley:


Dangerous for you and your wedding, yes :joy:

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Naim Superline and Naim Prefix is so much more musical and engaging sounding than Linn Urika ,I think.

Well that comment has put the cat amoung the pigeons as they say Igel

Wait for the responses Igel :grinning::flushed::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Not so controversial in a Naim forum :wink:
Linn Urika sounds a lot like any other Linn electronics compared to Naim.

The Urika/Radikal is a Linn amplifier. I think I would have one in a Linn system but for me keeping all the amplification Naim makes a lot of sense especially at the higher end. But I also understand the neatness of the Urika and the reduced box count. It is an important point for many. I think either solution is fine, just depends on your own philosophy. And also a good A/B demo :blush:


Iā€™d disagree. I donā€™t care for Linn amps, but the Urika is as good and ā€œgroovyā€ as the Supercap/Superline to these ears.

Given the potential savings in terms of money and space that the Urika provides (assuming you have a Radikal), Iā€™d say anyone thinking of this route should hear both.


That I agree with oscpergy

Fact is I have both in different locations 100 km apart

LP12 Klimax with Radikal 1 and Urika

LP12 ARO with Superline / SCDR/ Armageddon

Never had them side by side , and both have their merits . One day they will be side by side through the same electronics and that should be fun

As they stand today I fully enjoy both of them


The Geddon had to go Bevo because I preferred Urika ( not by too much though) That was with Naim pre and power amps. Lowering box count is a big bonus with ny system in my room. I agree that both are excellent phono stages and Iā€™d be happy with either of your decks.

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The Geddon is a power supply Cohen

So itā€™s a shootout between Geddon and Radikal

Most say that these days Geddon is too long in the tooth but I still think it does the job well with ARO/superline/ SupercapDR

I know that mate. I wanted the krad2 also after hearing it.

Loved the Prefix when I had one, never really got on with the Superline. The Urika was simply way better and better still as the Radikalā€™s improved. With the K Radikal 2 itā€™s simply sensational.


Thatā€™s what I heard Dave. I will have Chord Music from Urika to S1 also which I know you will approve of :wink:


Absolutely essential :grin:

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Not maybe the obvious place to ask but not sure where would be the obvious nowā€¦

Does anyone know anything about when/if the Utopik upgrade for Radikal will be available? Given what it did for my KDS3, I think it would be amazing on a Urika.