552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Was that with Katalyst or Organik?

If asking me (sorry if not!) it was Organik.

Very highly recommended.

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Yes, it was you, thanks for your reply. In terms of each - Organik or Utopik - were they similar in impact or did you do them at the same time?

Fully agree @oscpercy can’t fault it, and it’s so much neater as well as some lead or whatever being a much shorter path.
I don’t need to understand that bit, my ears decided it was good so that’ll do for me :joy:

Countdown continues to thursday for installation of upgrades. I am soo looking forward to them.

Blasting music from my streaming set up right now. All sounds awesome. Things will only get better!


And now listening to LP12. It sounds wonderful. Listening to classic Rumours album. Sound beautiful, soulful, controlled and wonderful.

I know it will sound better in a few days with effectively everything ripped out and new stuff installed.

I can’t wait!


Two more sleeps :scream:

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Or no sleep


Love you @Skeptikal :heart_eyes:

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Love you too my friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s all enjoyable. Enjoying every day :100:

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The system will blow my mind. Exciting times. This is what life is about! Have had a wonderful day at the farm with my son and ex. Absolutely fantastic!


I am not only looking forward to the upgrades, but I am looking forward to sharing my happiness with you guys! You have helped, influenced and inspired me in different ways. And to the doubters, you have made me consider and provided the other side of the coin. I thank you too!

But most of all, This is my show! Watch this thread and see some awesome pics and my review.


Greatest show on earth mate, only two more sleeps! very excited for you and to hear how it unfolds

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How many more sleeps for you matey?

the 4th for mine mate, so not far off now

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No time to rub my eyes for bed :grin:, my 552DR is playing some Nick Drake this evening, sounds stunning :ok_hand:

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You have a top flight set up mate. Can’t wait for my 552DR too!

I am thinking it will make things more even Keel! :rofl:


Not long now Dan :grinning: and with all the other upgrades you’ve completed over the past few months your setup on Thursday will hit the stratosphere!!

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We will be expecting you to photograph everything, Dan, and to see the results here.

Stay strong, old fruit!

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